Chapter Seven

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It takes me a minute to snap out of the shock of seeing Jesse with wolf features. He looked as if he barely had any control over himself, and that is the only thing keeping me from being upset from him running away. To not have control over oneself is one of the worst feelings. Though, Jesse must be suffering even more than I did. While it had been the Warriors who had been in control of me, Jesse does not even have the ability to control his own body.

After a few minutes of sitting on the warm rock, my eyes still fixed in the direction that Jesse ran, I force myself to stand up. It takes a little bit of struggling and interesting maneuvering, but eventually, I am able to push myself to my feet.

Too many thoughts are running through my mind right now, fighting for dominance. The one thing that is more prominent than all the ones, though, is how worried I am for my mate. Things start to make a little more sense now, like why he has been behaving the way he has.

Jesse has always been a stubborn ass, never asking for help when he needs it. I can remember the time a few years ago when he got stuck on the roof because my older brother, Levi, decided to play a prank on him. He stood up there for five hours, refusing to beg Levi to allow him to get down. Eventually, Alexis had to put the ladder back up and drag him back down, not listening to his arguments about how he could get down by himself.

A brief smile flashes across my face when I think about our life before this goddamn apocalypse. Back then, my biggest problems had been getting my mate to notice me. Now, though, there are so many more problems.

My hand gravitates towards my stomach on its own, resting on the small bump. There still isn't much there, only looking as if I had a big breakfast, but I know the real reason behind the small pouch, and now Jesse does too.

My heart skips a beat when the instant that I had told Jesse about the baby runs through my mind. He hadn't seemed upset with me. In fact, before the fear took over his face, I could have sworn I saw a bit a happiness. It is hard to know what Jesse is thinking, though, the way he is always so reserved about everything.

But now, everything inside me feels like one big knot, all my emotions tangled together so tightly that it is hard to decipher each one.

Before I can stop myself, I start to walk in the direction that Jesse ran, knowing that by the time I get there, he would have enough time to calm down. Then, I can finally get him to tell me what is going on with him. Maybe after he tells me, we can figure a solution out together.

My feet are beginning to ache by the time I finally start to worry about Jesse's whereabouts. I have been walking for probably a little over half an hour, but I can see no sign of my mate. Looking around, I try to take in my exact whereabouts. My eyes widen slightly in shock when I see that I have managed to walk all the way to the fence line but still no sign of Jesse.

Something inside me clenches, my worry starting to grow with every passing minute that I don't catch a glimpse of him. My heart beating rapidly, I rub at my stomach in a calming motion, a habit that I seemed to have taken up ever since my bump appeared.

"Jesse?" I call out, my voice shaking slightly.

There is no response, only the chirps of the birds in the trees and the leaves rustling in the summer breeze. Walking towards the fence, I touch the warm wood, hoping that getting some contact with the material will maybe give me some insight on the location of Jesse. But nothing happens once I lay my fingers on the surface of the scarred fence. Shaking my head, I rip my hand away from the wood in frustration. What the hell was I expecting the wood to do? Whisper to me what direction I should go?

The blame for my sudden bout of lunacy is going to be blamed on my pregnancy hormones, and no one is going to find out about this.

Cocking my head to the side, I hear what sounds like footsteps coming towards me. My heart gallops in excitement, and I don't hesitate to walk towards the approaching person, knowing that they have to be Jesse.

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