Chapter Fourteen

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A knock sounds at my door, making me startle slightly. Blinking open my eyes, I realize that it is still dark out, meaning that it has to be sometime in the middle of the night. Looking down, I notice that the little baby is laying curled against me, hand wrapped around one of my fingers and lazily sucking at a dark blue pacifier.

"Come in," I call out, voice soft in the night. I don't want to wake the baby boy, who takes a little while to fall back asleep.

The door slowly swings open about a foot before a very familiar person steps into my room. It may be pretty dark in here, but I would recognize them anywhere.

"Jesse?" I say, pulling myself up so that I am in a sitting position. My hands run down my shirt, making sure that everything is back in place. "Is everything alright?"

It is a little strange seeing my mate stand in my room, since the last time this happened, I ended up pregnant. A flurry of heat runs through me, but I shake my head, forcing my memories of that night out of my mind.

He and his sister have been home for a couple of days now, but Alpha Seren has kept them pretty busy, talking with them for hours in his office before sending them off to help the others with strengthening the fences. So, suffice to say, I haven't really had any time to speak with him, especially since I have been kept pretty busy myself with taking care of a clingy baby.

Jesse clears his throat before softly closing the door behind him and walking over to the edge of my bed. The beam of moonlight that never seems to be covered by my curtains hits him in the face, making his blue eyes startling bright.

"I have been meaning to talk to you since I got back but with everything that is going on," his sentence drifts off, and his eyes finally meet mine, "I haven't really been able to."

Nodding my head, I bite my lip, my eyes not wavering from my mate. "I understand. We have all been pretty busy lately."

The baby lets out a small grunt, causing my eyes to shift over to him. His eyes are blinking open, and his little face is scrunched in displeasure. Quickly, I pick him up, knowing that he will start crying soon if I don't hold him. He settles down once I cuddle him to my chest, tiny hand fisting my t-shirt as he sucks on his pacifier.

Jesse watches him closely, seeming to take in everything. Finally, after what seems like forever, he looks back up at me. "How has he been?"

"He is getting better," I tell him, my hand rubbing over the baby's back. "Taylor said that he is gaining weight nicely, and he should be right on track soon enough."

The little boy starts to squirm against my chest, letting out soft whines at the sound of Jesse's voice.

Looking over at my mate, I see that his hands are clenched on my footboard, resonating his tension.

Patting the bed, I pull back the covers, indicating for Jesse to get in. He seems to hesitate for a second, but when I raise my eyebrows at him, he just lets out a tired sigh. He unbuttons his pants, letting them fall to the floor before crawling onto the bed next to me.

Something inside of me settles from his close proximity, making me feel safer than I have in months. The little baby's whines start to get louder, and as gently as I can, I hand him over to Jesse. A laugh threatens to break out when I see how awkward he seems when holding the baby, but the little boy immediately stops whining when he is settled against my mate, face pressed to his neck.

Jesse leans back against my head board, still tense, but definitely more relaxed than he was before.
"Are you staying this time?" I ask him, not able to hold back the question that has been eating at my mind ever since Jesse came back.

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