Chapter Twenty-Five

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Jesse is fast asleep when I creep into the room, the blankets pooled down around his waist, leaving his back bare for me to see. He is honestly the most handsome man I have ever seen, and I have always marveled over the fact that he is my mate. His blonde hair is longer than I have ever seen it, resting just above his shoulders. It is just as thick as my own, something that I love.

Kicking off my shoes, I peel off everything but my briefs before making my way over to my mate. He stays asleep as I crawl over him, only snuffling when I settle on top of him. The warmth of his skin causes me to press closer, wanting to get away from the cold air.

His mumbles make me smile, pressing kisses against the freckles on his back. Despite it being the middle of Winter, his complexion is still a few shades darker than my own.

"Love, time to wake up," I say, my hands trailing down his arms until I reach his hands, twining our fingers together. "It's Christmas."

"Too early," Jesse mumbles, his voice muffled by his pillow.

Laughing, I nibble along his shoulders, placing a slightly harsher bite where his shoulder and neck meet. He lets out a grunt at the bite of pain, eventually blinking open his eyes, squinting at me.

"Micah, seriously," he says, voice raspy. His eyes flick over to where light is starting to peek through the cracks in the curtains. "The sun is barely starting to rise."

"There are no babies in here." I press a kiss against his neck. "And it's Christmas morning." Another kiss against his skin. "And something wonderful happened this morning. Time to celebrate."

Finally, Jesse peeks up at me, his gray eyes still filled with sleep. "What happened?" He turns around then, and I sit up to make it a little easier, resulting in my ass being pressed against his front.

My smile widens. "Ellen left."

His brows scrunch together in confusion for a moment, and I let him piece it together. "She did?" I nod my head. "Did she try to take Noah?"

His hands run up my legs, settling on my hips. It is as if he is trying to search for injury, which is what he always does when there is a fight.

"No, she said that we were better parents for him and then walked out the door."


"Mhm." Leaning down, I press my lips against his, pulling away when he tries to deepen it. "Now you see why we should celebrate."

His lips captured mine again, and this time I don't pull away. Before I know it, the blankets are being pushed to the bottom of the bed, our last remaining clothing ending up on the ground.

Jesse flips me over, his body pressed against mine in every way. His body heat combats the coolness of the air, making me let out a soft sigh. The kisses become deeper, the both of us not wanting to separate, despite the need for oxygen.

"Lube," I pant, and Jesse quickly nods his head, pulling away just enough so that he can reach inside the nightstand. He pauses after a second of rummaging, moving over so that he can look inside. The familiar bottle gets dropped on the bed, but my mate still has a crinkle in his brow, telling me that he is worrying about something. "What's wrong?"

He hesitates before looking over at me, a sheepish smile on his face- something that is rare. "Uh, looks like we used all the condoms."

Something flares inside me at the prospect of Jesse being inside me without any type of barrier. It is something we have never done before, too afraid of getting pregnant to even entertain the thought. Now, it looks like we have a problem.

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