Chapter Six

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That's all I remember doing after Micah told me about him and... and the baby.

To think that my mate is pregnant and the both of them being in danger while around me, makes me just want to claw at my skin, be rid of my wolf spirit that is so out of control right now.

When he told me about him being pregnant, mixed emotions had surged through me. Happiness, that Micah and I had created something wonderful together. Sadness, that I wouldn't be able to be around him during his pregnancy. Anger, that my wolf spirit is so out of control that I can't be with him, even if I want nothing more than to work out our issues, now especially.

And the feeling that seems to be flooding through me the most is fear.

My wolf spirit had almost gained control when he told me, pushing me as hard as it could to complete the mating bite. But I knew that even attempting to do that in my state would result in Micah getting hurt. Him being weaker than my wolf would make it impossible to fight me off.

I didn't want to leave Micah after he told me about being pregnant, but I could feel my wolf spirit forcing itself to the surface. My face had started to sprout fur, and I could feel my teeth start to elongate and sharpen into ones of a wolf. Using what was left of my control, I had forced myself to jump in the creek and run as far away as possible from Micah, not wanting to risk hurting him.

Now, I find myself collapsed on the ground, panting as I try to catch my breath. Clenching my hands, I feel the dirt underneath me, using that to try to center myself and gain control of my body. My wolf spirit fights hard but is weaker now that I have put some distance between me and Micah.

After what seems like forever, my wolf spirit recedes, allowing me to be myself again.

Exhausted, I flop down on my back, eyes half-lidded as I stare up at the blue sky peeking in through the green leaves of the trees that surround me.

Now that my mind is completely my own again, I think back to what happened by the creek. Micah had looked wonderful, which is nothing unusual. He has always been beautiful, having softer features than his older brother. His eyes, blue with hints of green, are framed by dark lashes, making them standout even more. The paleness of his skin has always contrasted greatly with his dark hair and rosy lips, and it makes my fingers itch to feel the softness of it.

To think that he is pregnant with our baby makes something inside me twist, pride and happiness flooding through me. Too bad I am too messed up right now to be with him.

I can't keep him safe and being around me is a danger to him and the baby. Leaving is the only way I can guarantee I won't hurt them, and even though it feels as if a part of me is dying whenever I think about being away from him, I know I have to do it.

It is what is best for Micah, and I will always put him first.

"I thought I might find you out here," a voice says from my right.

Not bothering to get up, I just turn my head in their direction, finding Alpha Seren standing less than ten feet away from me with a hiking pack on his back.

When I don't answer him, he makes his way over to me, leaning against a tree that is only a couple of feet away from me.

"I talked to Micah earlier today, and I had a feeling something would happen after you talked to him." His eyes flicker down to me before he continues. "Your wolf is only getting stronger, Jesse, and I believe after today, you won't be able to control yourself any longer around your mate. It is time for you to leave so you can gain control again."

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