CHAPTER 1: The council Meeting

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The throne room of the Westernfield palace was filled with chatters and murmurs by the council members which consists of eight men and four women of high nobility, each of them wondering why the crown prince came up with such absurd idea.

"Your majesty, if i may be inclined to speak, this new doctrine of yours is absurd". spoke one of the council members, fidgeting in his seat.

Prince Nathaniel narrowed his eyes to the council man, "Enlighten me, council man, how this new doctrine of mine is absurd?"

The council man looked around unsure of what to say so as not to upset the prince, after a few seconds he cleared his throat, "Your majesty, the idea of bringing the royals and powerful , influential and wealthy magnates from the business, fashion , communication, entertainment and political sector is most outstanding but associating them with the lower class, savages and most especially the perpetrators is quite outrageous".

"I agree with the council man, it will be an eruption of anarchy in the society especially the social class". added a council woman as she takes a deep breath.

Prince Nathaniel looked at the council members and smiled, he knew they were going to be against his idea of associating the lower class with the higher class and social magnate. The council was known for being proud and supercilious, they detested the lower class and looked at them with contempt, especially the perpetrators who they passed judgement on. The council was also known for passing harsh judgement on perpetrators who wasn't from well to do homes or those without high connections, if anything, he hated their pride and prejudice especially against those from poor homes.

He relaxed his shoulders and joined his hands together, " My notion and new doctrine as crowned prince is to disperse the gap between the rich and the poor, to bring the so-called perpetrators who were judged harshly by you back to the society. Let the savages as you call them associate with those in the higher class. In summary, my idea will be in form of an academy. An academy for peace and association with the lower and higher class, it will be located in the west wing of the kingdom close to the palace. Both social classes will eat, move, drink and breathe the same air. The program will be just for six months and don't worry i am not planning on bringing the whole of westernfield or London, a list of selected people have been drafted and the program will commence starting from next week. Also, it will also be a win for the higher class, for it will serve as an opportunity to gain more connections, share ideas and expand their business among themselves".

"Your majesty, there is no way the nobles and higher class will succumb to this idea of yours. And the perpetrators are known to be violent" retorted another council woman.

"Don't worry about the higher class and nobles, invites have already been sent to them and am sure they will all show up next week and as for the perpetrators, they are in your hands ,so i advise you choose the best and non-violent ones to be present next week but just make sure that the Marquis daughter, Annamaria is among the chosen ones".

'"What?!" exclaimed a council man in absolute shock, he hasn't heard of her in eight years since the transition .

"Your Majesty, Annamaria can't come to Westernfield, the idea of bringing her here is beyond our abilities". said a council woman in rigid tone.

Prince Nathaniel tilted his head and arched his eyebrows in amusement, "Ah, it seems you all have a keen interest in her to have remember her name after eight years. Although she wasn't tried like others and her sudden disappearance was mysterious, i want to believe she is very much alive but to be sure i want to see her next week. If not, i will be tempted to command you all to swear and tell me why her case was classified and not made public unlike the others and i can promise you that the event that will come after you all have swore to me the truth will not be pleasant".

"Your Majesty, the society and her family have disowned and shunned her. And the nobles especially your father will not be pleased with the idea of bringing a murder to the palace". Groaned a council member hoping that the crown prince will give up his ridiculous idea of bringing the Marquis daughter back to Westernfield.

Nathaniel narrowed his eyes to the council member, he knew they were all trying to prevent Annamaria from coming back to Westernfield and he wanted to know the reason. Her case became enigmatic when she was pronounced a murder without trial and her sudden disappearance, a mystery to all, "As crown prince and future king, i command that she be brought back to Westernfield, it is also unjust to call her a murder when you, the council, didn't even give her the chance to be tried. I will take care of the nobles and my father, just make sure you bring the Marquis daughter along with the other chosen perpetrators to the west wing castle next week unless we will go with option two, is that clear?"

Once again the throne room is filled with murmurs as the council looked among themselves whispering, after twenty seconds the noise seemed to die down as a council member who is known to be the oldest and wealthiest among the other members spoke up, "We, the council agree to your terms, Your Majesty"

"Very well, let's hope the program is a success". breathed prince Nathaniel as he exhales deeply dismissing the council.

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