CHAPTER 13: The Charade

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"Oh hell hath no fury like a woman scorned".

Her smirk fell along with her profound confidence, her eyes making contact with familiar faces, faces she wished she never saw. Her family. Memories came rushing back, those awful nights she spent alone in the basement, the abuse and whips. Her breath hitched, she looked back at the door. 'I can't face them'. She thought. Her hands started to quiver as sweats kept dripping from her forehead. 'The drugs I need them now'. She murmured.


She turned, a frown forming on her face as her eyes made contact with two familiar feminine figures. One, she wished she could throw under a bus for betraying her trust and other, she wished she could turn into a newspaper and shred into pieces since her favorite sport is poking into others personal space.

"It looks like someone is not happy to see us". Charlotte smiled nervously.

"And we are so happy to see her". Rebekah peeped.

She opened her mouth short of words, her eyes finally widening in bewilderment. 'Seriously, are they going all lovey-dovey after all their shit!'. She glared at them. "I wonder of all places in this fucking universe, I get to meet the two back-stabbers who were supposed to my friends at the same place, time and on my freaking face. Oh, I forgot, I don't have friends"

"Maria, we are so sorry for what--". Rebekah paused looking at her meticulously . "You don't look--"

"I am fine!". Maria blurted taking a deep breath and rubbing her hands together. " I am fine"

Charlotte moved closer, concern written all over her face. " Are you sure? Cause I know being here can get you all worked up besides these people here have hurt you so deeply----"

"Yeah, just like the both of you. You know what? Seeing all these people here makes me nuts but what makes me sick is seeing the both of you especially you, Charlotte. And I will feel a lot better if you both get the hell out of my face".

"Maria, you know---"

"Anna!". They paused and prostrated as Prince Nathaniel approached them with a smile on his face. "Ladies, You look splendid"

They blushed except Maria who seemed unfazed. "Nate, we need to talk"

"Of course, We will talk but first I have an announcement to make". He pronounced clasping her hands and leading her to the center.

"What are you doing?". Maria murmured trying to free herself from his grip.

"Just listen for now, Anna. We will talk later". He cleared his throat, his attention fixed on the small crowd that had formed. Silence covered the ballroom, the sweet melody paused even the servers halted. All eyes were stationed at the center of the ballroom, their attention undivided.

"I would like to say a few words.First and foremost, I am glad that you all coincided to this program, I would to express my profound gratitude by saying, thank you. I hope this program, become a success and untie you all together regardless of the social class, financial status, background or race. Also, whatsoever happened or was committed in the past should be forgotten or rather left in the past. With that said, all invited perpetrators are welcome back to the society and must be accepted and embraced by you all, the loyal citizens of Westernfield and I would also like to introduce my very best friend, someone who has helped me in so many ways, my comforter and my savior, Annamaria or like you all would call her, the scorned lady"

***** *******

Maria lingered in a corner, after Nathaniel's outstanding speech, the ballroom came back to life. The sweet melody continued playing, the servers resumed to their duty and the guests were all conversing with their fellow counterparts once again but still, she could still feel their glares and hear their accusing murmurs. Her dad and step-mother left after Nathaniel's speech, they had given her a long nefarious glare containing their hatred and spite for her before storming out of the palace. She had managed to leave his side after the speech, she felt uneasy being at his side her stomach lurched when she felt their eyes and glares on her. She sighed rubbing her sweaty palms together, her eyes wandering the room until it landed on them, the group of high born citizenry. Fortunately, they didn't pay any attention to her after the speech , they were concerned with their small talk of etiquette primarily of their businesses, investments and all other boring prep talks. Her eyes continued to scan the clique until it fell on him, there he stood tall devilishly handsome with his dashing portioned body glaring daggers at her. She quickly looked away, her face heating up.

"It seems, I ain't the only one who thinks this ball is a charade". A husky voice spoke in a bored tone

Maria turned to her side, her eyes locking with glowing blue orbs. She eyed him taking in his appearance, he was dashing with black jet hair, nice body and a sculpted face but not as handsome or alluring as him.

"It's puzzlingly to see a beautiful woman as you standing all alone".

Maria furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. "Why are you talking to me? ". Definitely, she was curious. People don't talk to her unless they want something, It's either they converse with her through Rebekah or through a mail but never in actual form. And now in Westernfield, why would anyone want to talk to her, a scorned lady!

"You are right, why would anyone want to talk to a scorned lady". He said reading her mind. He smiled and continued. "However, am not just 'anyone'. I am Christopher Black, Your Psychologist and therapist".

Maria blinked thrice as more before narrowing her eyes in a glare. "The hell you are!".


Hi friends.

How was this chapter? Yes, I was excepting more from Nathaniel speech. Anyway, the dashing doctor has finally arrived! Lucky Maria not so lucky, cause she has just entered a football field and she has to play her ball well to score or she will a red-card perhaps send-off.

LOL..Don't mind my rants. Stay tuned for more ball drama and to you all that has supported me, the readers, voters even the ghost readers.....I LOVE YOU.

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