CHAPTER 8: The Poke-Nose Queen

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Rebekah paced the palace rose garden in frustration. The garden was as beautiful as the rest of the buildings, fractions and enclosures in the castle. It was exquisite and had a lovely air, it was decorated with rose flowers of different kind and soft grasses, each of them arranged in a beautiful circular style. It was also the only place, Rebekah could get some privacy. She dialed Adam's number again for the thirtieth time. She sighed when he finally answers.

"Hello?" He queried, his voice cool.

"You imbecile!"

"What is it this time, Rebekah?". Adam said clearly in a bored tone.

"I have been calling you since yesterday! Can't you pick your call?!". She practically yelled. She had been calling him non stop since he informed her about Maria's escape.

"I was busy". Adam said calmly which riled Rebekah.

"Busy?!...Maria is missing and you are saying that you were busy! Busy fucking your whore?!"

He groaned,"Mind your words, Rebekah.  She can't get lost, Maria is a grown and wise woman unlike you".

"Well, you better be right, cause if not, am coming for you and your whore". Rebekah grunted in annoyance trying to hide the epitome of jealously growing within her.

" What the hell is wrong with you ?! I don't even know what you are ranting about".

"Oh now, you don't know what am ranting about? You better know cause i am fully away what you do behind closed doors".

He exhaled heavily through the phone. "Go take some meds, Rebekah. You have fucking gone insane. And whatever i do is now of your business. You are not my fucking girlfriend for christ's sake "

"Fuck you!! You are the one that needs the meds most. You are insane for bringing Maria to this place where everyone hates her and you are much more insane for even working for the Perez's". She took a deep breath, her experience in the drawing room earlier was enough for her to know that the palace is filled with deadly predators, she even dreaded from making any sarcastic comment in front of them, their eyes alone were enough for her to keep shut.

" Let her decide for herself. You are neither her mother, cousin nor sister, don't get ahead of yourself and don't call unless its important". Adam said curtly hanging up.

Rebekah winced, till now, his words were still capable of hurting her. Making her heart break ten times more.

"Beck?". Rebekah groaned in frustration, she knew that soft, toned and annoying accent very well. It was her, that annoying poking bitch, It was because of her and her annoying poking ways that Maria decided to leave Spain and come to New York. If she had known she was one of the invitee, she wouldn't have agreed to step her foot on the soil of Westernfield. She turned and plastered a fake smile on her face, "Char, how nice to finally see you  after many long years "

"Stop the act, Rebekah". She said softly but in an irritated tone

Rebekah frowned. "What can I do for you, Charlotte or did you lose your way here?". Her eyes taking in her  appearance, the only thing she liked about Charlotte was her style of dressing apart from that she disliked everything about her. The short black lace gown hung on her body elegantly bringing out her toned legs which she matched it with a red flats and her mixture of black and grown hair was plaited back," Nice dressing".

"Thanks. The gown is from St. Malina". Charlotte smiled tightly looking at Rebekah who simply hummed and nodded

"Where is she?". She queried

Rebekah shrugged her shoulders. Charlotte moved towards her and whispered,"I know everything, so don't lie to me"

"Of course. She knows that you know everything and I know that you are just an annoying  rich poke nose who can't mind her own  goddamn business. And why is that? Because she is so fucking bored and jobless ". Rebekah scoffed glaring at her.

"Well, I see you still have a loose tongue, Naomi". She smirked knowing fully well that she had hit a wall, a big one to be precise.

Rebekah gritted her teeth, oh how she hated her with her every being, she can't be tolerated, she is intolerable!. She was the only person that pulled that trigger, the trigger that makes one want to rip someone apart into tiny pieces. In, her case, she wanted to rip the annoying bitch in front of her starting with her pretty, nosy mouth and probably, her blabbering tongue. She was rich and all but still liked interfering in other people affairs. she was even worst than Adam. She knew that her only purpose of saying her real name was just to rile her. She hid any current emotions on her face and pulled in a small, soft smile. " You did your homework marvelously well, even to deserve an "A+". Wow,  I am touched, really touched that you want all the way to dig in on my background, I feel so emotional right now ". Rebekah said sarcastically, putting her hand on her hand on her chest in a dramatic way.

Charlotte rolled her eyes frowning. She also wasn't fond of Rebekah either. "Whatever I know she is here. There is no reason for you to be here, if nor for Maria".

"Hmm...Aren't you a reporter, Charlotte Palmer? Try using your reporting and nosy skills in looking for her instead of interfering in people affairs . If you excuse me, my personal space has been invaded by a particular someone I wouldn't wish to welcome and i would like to find somewhere else to regain back my personal space". Rebekah stated in a calm tone leaving the rose garden and a vexed Charlotte.

"Bitch". Charlotte muttered glaring at her as she left the garden.
Sorry guys for the cliffhangers, i have noticed i have so many but don't worry i will be filling them up in each update. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.
Thanks for the support but i still need some feedbacks, comments and vote. please feel free to conveys your thoughts and ideas, i will be obliged to entertain them.
Am sorry for beating around the bush, i just want you guys to understand the book, i will also be updating frequently so to speed the progress of the book.  I love you guys so much, Lol, don't know if you guys feel the same.  Stay tuned for the next chapter.

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