CHAPTER 11: First revenge- Take thy loved one away

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"Ma Mercedes, please think about it". Maria pleaded.

"I can't allow you to go to that place, it's dangerous. I know what those people can do to people below their status. Can't you just heed to Lord Alexander's warning? Leave this forsaken town!".

"Never. I can't leave. I have plans already drawn out besides I was invited by Nathaniel and----"

Mercedes scoffed. " Nathaniel? You are no longer eight years old, Maria. And he is no longer Nathaniel or Nate, he is now Prince Nathaniel. For crying out loud, He is a crowned prince and also a betrothed".

Maria's heart skipped at her words, her face scrunched up in confusion "Betrothed?"

"Didn't you know? He is betrothed to Lady Penelope Lancaster, that same family that humiliated you. Going to the palace will be---"

"The best thing i have ever done". Maria said in clenched fists. 'Why does it have to be them and their fucking relatives? The more she thought about them, the more hatred fueled in her hearts, they had managed to strip her of everything, her reputation, name and image. Now, they were aiming for her heart, the one thing she had ever and will ever love. Her thoughts drifted to Nathaniel, he never mentioned anything about being betrothed to a Lancaster . Why did he invite her to the palace then? To make fun of her?.

Mercedes gasped and looked at her warily,"Are you okay upstairs? Or have you suddenly gone crazy?"

Maria sighed ignoring her previous statement. "I meant what i said yesterday. You and Lucia need a vacation away from all of this".

"And I have told you, i can't bring myself to leave this town. I can't leave the memories of my daughter behind".

Maria rolled her eyes. "It's only a vacation, for a short while. Don't you want to explore other places? Besides haven't you noticed that Lord Alexander has an interest in Lucia? What if he takes her away from you, we both know that you will be left helpless".

Mercedes stiffened, which  cause Maria to smile, she had successfully managed to convince her. "You are right we have to leave Westernfield. That man is very powerful, he may take my dear granddaughter away from me". Mercedes said pacing around.

"Yes and you don't need to worry, everything is being taken care of. Someone will be arriving any minute from now. He will take care of all your expenses in Germany".

Mercedes turned around now facing Maria perplexed. "What are you talking about? Who is this person that will be coming?"

Maria poured herself a glass of water and leaned on the wooden table in the kitchen. "Someone I know".

"And how did you come about such a person?". She narrowed her eyes at her looking at her curiously.

Maria turned and met her gaze. A gaze of mistrust ."I thought you said it didn't matter".

"It did, if this person of yours will be looking after us"

"You don't need to worry. He will be here any minute, I think you should wake Lucia and get the bags ready".

Mercedes took a deep breath and exhaled. "Fine, I just hope that you will be joining us"

"I will as soon as i finish with all my plans".

Mercedes nodded and left to her room. She watched as Mercedes advanced to a door at the corner of the room, she darted her eyes away, hearing a soft knock at the door. She sighed in relief and headed to the door knowing fully well the person behind it. "Speak of the devil". She smiled tightly at the tall clad and muscular man with blonde hair and cute dimples, the same man that planned to drag her to this town.

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