CHAPTER 15: An Emotion Called Hatred

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Maria fled to the nearest room she could find,  which was apparently the ladies room. She gripped the table and looked at herself in the mirror. 'He is his nephew'. She kept reminding herself, she rubbed her hands together,  a habit she cultivated when ever she was nervous. She sighed and leaned on the table.

"If it isn't the cheap whore of Westernfield"

Maria turned and looked at her, displeasure written all over her face. "Well, if it Kent the spoilt brat of Lancaster"

"You disgust me! You are a shameless whore, a bastard who shouldn't have been born, a failed abortion. Ha, at least that's the fault of the condom factory, am sure they must have sent a letter of apology". Penelope spat, her voice laced with venom.

Maria looked at her with an impassive expression. Her whole existence were based on insults more than imagination. "I have been called far worse than that"

"How dare you come back to westernfield?! "

She rolled her eyes." i received a royal invitation. Didnt you listen to Nathaniel's speech? "

Penelope clenched her fists, fury evident in her eyes." Nathaniel? Its your Majesty. I wont have a cheap slutty murderer like you calling my fiance by his name"

"Really? If i recall his speech earlier, he viewed me as more than a friend. I think i heard him say 'his comforter and saviour'. Now, do u think at this rate, you will eventually end up being his wife? I mean since he respects and adores another woman". Maria missed, a sly smirk covering her lips.

Lady Penelope walked closer to her menacingly. "Yes, i will end up being his wife and queen of westernfield, i will bear his children. And you? You will end up behind bars like a slutty murderer you are! Paying for all the harms and deaths you caused in my family, because of you my mother is in shambles and my father died from the pain of losing his heir".

Maria rolled her eyes. "spare me the talk. Your father is a phony, a debaucher and a killer and you, your mother and the rest of westernfield are nincompoops. I wonder why the Angel of death gave him such a less punishment and good judgement such as death, he deserved so much more. But i guess he is finally in the bottom of hell, paying for all his sins". She shot back casually.

Penelope glowered at her, raising her hand to slap her but is quickly caught in a tight grip by Maria. "Watch it, Penelope. My slaps are more sounding than yours. Hitting me wont do any good unless you want that pretty face of yours to be swollen. Besides i advise you keep your energy, cause you are going to be needing a hell lots of it". She smirked in triumph leaving behind a deranged Penelope in the restroom.

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