CHAPTER 14: Spark Of A New Feeling

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Maria's thoughts raced to the little familiar faces that popped through her mind. She shook her head, it definitely won't be Rebekah nor Charlotte, she knew how much she hated doctors and their freaking white coats. It also won't be Adam, He knew she could bury him if he did and it definitely won't be her family, they wouldn't dare venture her such kindness. Then it popped into her head, the only person that could dare assign a psychologist to her, a very familiar face she so wished she could punched, Margret Perez. Yes, it was definitely her. She was the only one that could think of her as 'crazy'.

"You know, she did it for your own good. I could tell, she was very concerned about you when she came to me for assistance. Like I said, i am a psychologist not a psychiatrist". He said reading her mind again.

She gritted her teeth. "Its not concern, its guilt besides what's the difference, doctor?"

Christopher smiled at her breaking into a light chuckles. "The difference--"

"Watson's bastard". They both turned making contact with the dashing incarnate of a devil.

"Lord Alexander, what a pleasant surprise". Christopher teased

Lord Alexander scoffed. "What an unpleasant surprise for me, Dr. Black".

"Are you looking for someone?"

"Yes, I would like to talk to the Watson's bastard"

Maria muttered. "At least, you are no longer calling me the 'Marquis bastard'. She turned her attention to Christopher."You can go, doctor. I would like to talk to Lord Alexander alone"

Dr. Christopher looked between them and smirked. "Of course. I will leave you two alone, it seems you have a lot to catch on". He smiled once again leaving them.

Maria folded her arms together. "So?"

Lord Alexander stared at her, his eyes gazing her whole body landing on her breasts which seemed bigger as a result of her involuntarily action. He cursed under his breath, 'she was attractive'. Although he hated to admit it, it was a fact him and the rest of the hot- blooded males in the room knew. If her situation was different and her crimes weren't related to him, maybe she could be in his bed right now. Scratch that, It undeniably won't be a 'maybe'. She could be in his bed, her legs opened......He groaned and took a deep breath.

"I thought I gave you a warning"

"You did"

He glared at her. "You didn't heed to it?"


"Are you daring me?"

"Really? Am I?".

He grunted in annoyance. "Don't give me those short infuriating replies".

She raised her eyebrows and countered. "Do you prefer long sophisticated replies then, my lord? Sorry to break it down to you, but I don't do those long frustrating replies that beats around the bush, I answer straight, hitting the nail on the head".

"I don't give a shit about your method of replying to questions. When I ask you a question, you give me a reply in the right way".

She shrugged her shoulders. " Of course".

Maria swore she saw him fuming, his eyes darkening and his teeth gritting in anger. He moved closer to her. "I swear, give me another of your provoking replies and I promise you, I will make you regret those words ever came out of your petty mouth".

She ran out of words, obviously not because of his warning but his proximity. She could feel his breath fanning on her face, her heart fluttering. She looked at his face down to his lips, her heart skipped a beat. She flushed looking away. "Excuse me, I need to go for a whizz".

Lord Alexander furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "What?". She fled, before he could say another word, her legs carrying her faster than it could.



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