CHAPTER 7: The Soil Of Friendship

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' Sometimes coincidence is a plan in disguise'
"I am Nathaniel". She recalled.  Never did she knew, that she befriended a prince, however, she didn't care. She felt happy that day and many other days and months, she played, chatted and ate with him. He was her best friend and had confided in him about any other things but everything came trashing down when he left without telling her. Initially, she had thought he may have gotten tired of her or have developed hatred for her like her family, perhaps he was ill. She waited for him day after day, weeks after weeks, months after months, she even went to the palace but was thrown out and when her stepmother found out, she locked her in the basement for weeks. It was later on, she heard from the whispers of the maids that he had left to Netherlands to further his education. How heartbroken she was! Not even a letter to extend his departure!. Who could she tell her tales to? Is it her sister, Aubrey, who loathed her? Or Ma Mercedes, her only motherly figure, who was fired and thrown out of the Mansion by her stepmother? How cruel life is! She had no one but the books and shelves in the library.

"My, my , I wasn't aware people still come here. I thought it will still be the same, isolated".

Maria jolted from her thoughts and turned to see the owner of the soft, deep and alluring voice that had earlier startled her. Her eyes locked with familiar golden orbs, her eyes traveled down to his figure, he was now a grown man...a handsome one. She never thought she could see him again, It was years ago she longed to see him but things have changed and she wasn't the same girl of fifteen years ago, the cry baby he met in this very soil. She was now a grown woman with her own afflictions and demons. She looked away and walked passed him but was pulled back by a strong grip on her arm.

"Are you going to leave without even saying  'hi', Anna?"

She turned back and looked at him, her expression blank. "I have nothing to say to you and the name is Maria, your majesty ".

He flinched at her tone. "I understand that you have every right to be mad at me, I didn't tell you of my departure neither did i extend a letter or call and i am sorry for all that. There is an explanation why i left without contacting you".

Maria scoffed,"Your apology means nothing to me neither does your explanation. Lets leave the past in the past".

Prince Nathaniel sighed and took a deep breath, he had decided not to rile her up. Since he heard of her arrival in town, he had longed to see her. The same girl that resurfaced a lot of feelings in him years back. "How have you been?"

"What do you think?" She replied curtly.

"That's not how you answer questions, Anna". He replied firmly, his gaze on her, never wavering. She had changed, yes, and he expected it. But he knew deep down, she was still the very same girl he met here years ago.

She groaned in annoyance. "For the last time, its Maria to you and everyone".

Nathaniel exhaled, he knew he was wrong for leaving without a word to her but he had priority and his trip to Netherlands was earlier than he had expected. When he arrived, he looked everywhere for her but to no avail until he heard of the accusations made against her and how she was judged by the council without evidence nor a trial. Her family had abandoned her and left

She groaned in annoyance."For the last time, don't call me Anna, its Maria to you and everyone"

Nathaniel exhaled, he had dreamt of seeing her again, he knew he was wrong for leaving without a word to her but he had priority and his trip to Netherlands was earlier than he had excepted. When he arrived, he looked for her everywhere but was informed about the accusations made against her and how she was judged by the council without evidence nor a trial. Her family had abandoned her and left her at the mercy of the council. He had gone a great length to find her and and obtain justice for her but at the end, she still needs to file a case and testify.

"You should file an appeal and testify. At least to gain justice and prove to everyone that you didn't commit those accusations instead of trying to flee from the situation"

She huffed in exasperation."They can believe whatever the hell they want to believe. I don't give a damn. And don't you dare say, I am running away from the situation. The situation ended when your council and this cursed town decided to convict me as a murderer and an adulteress. Besides what the hell do you know! You know nothing". She asked, her expression stoic.

"I know everything. You are running away from your fears, emotions and most especially your past. I know you have been hurt, abused, whipped , scorned and so more but running away isn't the best answer. I know you are innocent of those accusations made against you".

Maria chuckled humorlessly. "Don't be too quick to judge a person. Have you forgotten the phase, 'Don't judge a book by its cover', Cause It may deceive you. Fears? emotions? I don't feel anything. I suggest that you....".

"Stop talking for a moment please". Nathaniel closed his eyes and shook his head. "What the hell happened to you? You are not...damn, she was right. You need to do away with all those hatred".

She furrowed her eyebrow and scrunched her face in confusion, "Who are you talking about?"

"Mrs. Perez, she told me everything. I mean everything that has happened to you". Nathaniel said calmly

Maria paused,he knew everything? Surely she wouldn't have told him what happened behind closed doors. The Perez's were known for  their absolute discretion. He didn't know everything. He didn't know the deep, painful and deadly ones  no one knew except her . Those years she spent in the Perez's mansion were flushed away from her memory. Her amnesia had become her nightmare, her memories reappearing every night. How ironic life seems, her memories had become her enemy robbing her of a peaceful night. She gazed at him and laughed to the amazement of Nathaniel and her as well. 'Had she finally lost her mind '. She thought.

"Everyone is becoming funny these days, finally caring about me. It's quite starting to get on my nerves". She looked at him in the eye with a profound boldness, her chin high. "I don't know what she told you and i don't even care, all i know is that am starting to get irritated by your presence".

Nathaniel jaw ticked, he wasn't accustomed to insult, never had been and never will be. No one dared to insult him, he was a crowned prince and soon to be king but the lady in front of him was an exception, he cared for her and still cares for her."I don't pity you. I just wanted to help you gain back all you have lost".

"Hmm...What's lost can never be regained but i do have a cause i tend to fulfill".

"If that's so, I am willingly to support this cause of yours".

" Really? Even revenge?". Maria queried

Nathaniel looked away for a moment and turned back to her, his eyes soft."Very well, If its revenge you want , i will support you, all i ask is that you obtain the justice you have been deprived of". He said moving closer to her. "Because you are innocent, you have always been. Always have been kind and very pretty"

Maria's heart leaped upon hearing those words, just like when they first met fifteen years ago, he was still charming, the only one who had the ability to evolve so many emotions in her. She cleared her throat and stepped back a little. "And if these revenge concerns those within the walls of the palace?". She asked sceptically.

"I trust, you will have a good judgement. You always do".

She hummed. "Fine, i will come to the palace".

Nathaniel sighed a relief and smiled taking her hand in his. "I am glad, thank you, Anna"

She ignored the sparks of electricity that crept through her body the moments his skin made contact with hers and gave him a soft smile. "No, thank you for bringing me back, Nate".

Sorry for the late update.  I have been busy lately. Please don't forget to vote and share. Feel free to also comment😊

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