Cat's Outta The Bag

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Today's the day, the day that's been bothering me so much that can't even focus on my school. The day that I've been dreading since that letter was given to me. I stood outside of family court. I feel like this time came faster than I thought it would. I refused to have my baby in this mess, so she's with Miss Dorothy. My heels clicked beneath me as I climbed the steps to family court, my skirt flowing with each step. I now stood outside of the door where my case was being held.

"Relax, we got this. When we leave here our little girl will still be our little girl."

I smiled at words said to me by the man I'm falling for more and more. Chris refused to let me do this alone. He says we're a family, and family doesn't let you do things alone. I pushed the door open bracing myself for the battle I was about to endure. The first face I saw was hers she held her game face of anger until she saw Chris.

"You came." She breathed out still smiling as she moved to hug him. Chris moved to the side dodging her embrace. Her face fell seeing him grasp my hand. Wait she actually called his name, they know each other, but how?

"You know her?" We both questioned him. He nodded answering us at once.

"Why are you here Nadia?" He asked calmly.

"I was trying to tell you this yesterday, and I'm assuming you read my letter, so you know why I'm here."

"That's what that paper was, I didn't read that shit." He pulled the balled up paper from his pocket. I felt like this was a private manor, so I told him to go outside while we spoke to the judge. I sat beside Chris' lawyers while she sat next to hers. Ten minutes into the trial nothing was done.

"Fuckin' bitch!!!" Was all we heard as Chris burst through the court room doors practically running towards this Nadia chick.


Chris P.O.V.

I have no idea why Nadia is here, but I believe this letter might have the answer somewhere in it. I did as Mia asked, and sat outside to read the letter.

Dear Chris,

I know I'm probably the last person you want to hear from, but I have so much to say to you. The last time we saw each other you weren't exactly happy to see me, kinda like you aren't happy now. You probably had a lot of questions that morning you woke up without me next to you. I did what I thought was best for us that day I left you. We weren't ready for a kid, baby we were just kids ourselves. I just knew I was doing the right thing for us, but I can never get the image of how your face looked when I came back without our baby in my arms. You were ready to be a parent, but I wasn't. I selfishly took that moment away from you. But Chris that's why I'm here, that's what I came back to tell you, our baby's alive. We had a little girl just like you said it was. The day I left you I did leave to get an abortion, but I couldn't go through with it. I still didn't want the baby, but I didn't want to take its life either. I stayed away for the last of my pregnancy until I had the baby. When I was discharged from the hospital I tucked our baby in her blanket, and laid her behind a bunch of trashcans. I honestly don't know how long she was out there, at that time I didn't care. I was later tracked down by the court, apparently somebody wanted the baby. Imagine how shocked I was to find out it was a kid. Can you believe that, I was a twenty year old college student that didn't want the responsibility of a baby, but a thirteen year old little girl wanted to take her with no problem? How crazy is that, when the judge asked if I wanted to give up all my parental rights I wasted no time saying yes. That was the worst mistake I ever made. I saw her recently, she's beautiful Chris, she looks exactly like you. That's why I'm back, I'm going to get her back, and I would love for you to be there with me while I fight to have our child back with us. When we get her back we can be the family you wanted us to be. I hope you can forgive me for the pain I caused you, and everything I put you through. Hopefully after our baby is with us we can put this behind us.


I crumbled the letter in my hand, Symphony is mine. This whole time I've been missing the child I should have had, she's been with me. I've been saying my little girl would look exactly like me if she was here, and she has been here, and she is the spitting image of me. That little girl that's been calling me Daddy is really my child. I've been in my daughter's life for five months and I didn't even know it. My fist were balled so tightly that my knuckles were white.

"Fuckin' bitch!!!" My eyes went straight to Nadia. I saw nothing but red as I charged towards her. The officers were pulling me back, but I just kept breaking from their hold. I'm not stopping until her throat is being crushed between my fingers.

"Order, order, damn it I said order!"

The judge smashed his gavel extremely hard gaining all of our attention.

"What is the meaning of this, young man why are you barging in my court room attempting to attack this young woman?"

"We're here because she wants her daughter back right?"

"Yes that's right." The judge nodded.

"What if the father of the child can vouch that she doesn't deserve to have her parental rights back?"

"Then we would have to have a retrial with the father's testimony, why?"

"Because I'm that little girl's father." I could see Nadia's face fall realizing that I would be fighting against her instead of with her, while Mia was shocked at the discovery. She did this to herself, I'll be damned if my daughter ever goes anywhere near her. She has a mother, and it's not Nadia. She has no right to come and try to take her away from the only family she knows. If I can help it she won't take her either, she wanted a fight she definitely has one. I knew my eyes held nothing but anger as I stared at her through black eyes.

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