Explorer Nation

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"Explain, now!" I practically yelled when Chris and I got in the car. He stayed quiet as he kept his eyes on the road. His knuckles reddened with each grip as he tightly held on to the steering wheel.

"So you can't hear me now, Christopher what the hell was that back there? Answer me damn it!"

He slammed on the breaks causing my body to jerk forward. I turned to him ready to bite his head off, but his facial expression stopped my rant. His face was bright red, nostrils flared, and his eyes were still full of rage.

"Mia, shut up! Damn, you see right now that I'm already mad. You and that yelling ain't helping."

I challenged his glare, staring him down just as hard as he stared at me. I folded my arms against my chest, and sat back. He sighed audibly, and loosened his grip on the steering wheel.

"That was my ex, Nadia, the one I told you about. She came to my warehouse yesterday, I brushed her off because I didn't have a reason to speak to her. I guess she needed something, she gave me a piece of paper that I just balled up. Didn't think twice about looking at it until she mentioned it today in the court room. The baby I thought she aborted has been in my life since I met you. Symphony is my child."

I heard him sniffling as he told me. Looking over I saw small tears falling from his face. Mad or not, I'm not going to sit here letting my baby hurt like that. I caught his tears before they fell, and held his hand in mines.

"Mia, I swear there's no way she's getting my daughter now. I know they're going to make me do a DNA test to make sure Symphony is mines. I don't care about that, because I know that little girl is mines. She's my damn twin."

He was right, I would always point out that Symphony looked exactly like Chris even though they weren't related. Now I know why. When we got back to Chris' place I just laid on the bed holding him after we had separate showers. This man was hurting right now, he's held me, and cared for me through all my issues. It's my turn to do the same for him. I lay on my back with Chris resting his head on my stomach, arms wrapped around my waist, while my arms are around his head rubbing his curls.

"My daughter is three years old, going on four. I missed so many milestones in her little life. This whole time I thought I was being a father to a little girl that really wanted a dad, but in reality I was being a father to my own child."

"Biological father or not, you were always here father."

"Yeah, but being her biological father is a whole new game. I mean it was one thing for me to step up to the plate because that's the light she saw me in. But now, knowing I'm really her dad. Caramia I created that little girl, she was created out of what I thought was love. Well it was love on my end. I was fine knowing I missed big moments in her life because I was somebody she warmed up to. I'm not okay knowing I missed those moments because Nadia was a bitch that wanted me to think she was gone."

"Deep down I think Symphony always knew you were her dad. She gravitated to you so fast after meeting you. Within weeks of knowing you she would ask me about you even though I tried avoiding you. Believe it or not I think she actually brought us to each other."

I turned rolling him on to his back so I could straddle him. He sat up wrapping his arms back around my waist holding me right to him.

"We can't change the past now, but what we can do is make sure that our little girl knows she's a very loved little girl. One with a daddy that would move the Earth for her if she asked him to. With the exception if why she didn't have a dad I've never lied to her, we're not going to lie to her now."

He nodded looking up at me before kissing me full on. Before I knew it he was hovering over me. His hand playing around the waistband of my shorts. He was laying between my legs still playing with my waistband.

"Babe, I wanna play. Can I play?" His fingers danced across my belly as he kissed along my neck. Who am I to deny him right now.

"Mhm." I nod as he devours my lips sliding his hand under my shorts. He cupped my sex before his finger slid inside of my slit. I immediately tensed up when he did that.

"Relax baby, I'm not gonna hurt you. If you feel uncomfortable at any time just tell me, and I'll stop."

He was now at my neck again peppering it with kisses, I could only nod in response. With only the tip of his finger he moved in a circular motion on my clit. This was so new to me I didn't know what to do.

"Stop over thinking about it, let me do the work. You just focus on everything you're about to feel." 

I did just that.

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