Another Day

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I roll out of bed at six thirty picking Symphony up in the process, I wet a face towel with warm water, and washed her face waking her up in the process. It was routine for us, because it's hell waking her up in the morning.

"I'm up mommy." She whined. I set her down, and told her to brush her teeth she knew what to do after that. I proceeded to take my shower washing off everything from lastnight. I hopped out, dried off, and lotioned my body up. I slipped on a pair of super skinny jeans, my green crop top, and a pair of green Vans. I brushed my teeth, threw my hair in a ponytail, grabbed my keys and my phone.

"Come on Symphy."  I heard the pitter off her sneakers. She was now in front of me with her backpack.

"Lets go Mommy!" Oh to be young, and still love school. She's in for a surprise when she gets older. We get in my car headed to her preschool. I make it there just in time. I'm driving around now just to kill time. I check my phone for the time hmmm seven forty-five time to head to school now. I pulled into the schools parking lot, and got out. I had the usual guys staring, me ignoring them, some girls mugging me, I didn't even bother ignoring them they're so irrelevant I don't have to.

"Cara!" I hear over my shoulder. I turn to see who it is, it's my baby Jamal! He's coming out of a car with some dude I've never seen before. He was kinda cute from what I could see.

"Jamal!" I greet hugging him. "Alright what new nigga you messing with?" Yes Jamal is gay, actually bisexual, but don't get it twisted. Disrespect him, and he'll make you wish you hadn't. Truthfully most people were comfortable with it, and the ones uncomfortable with it just stayed away from him. He's the one friend I do have that's been here for it all.

"None why?"

"Who was that, that just dropped you off?"

"Oh him, girl please that's my cousin Chris. He's moving back to Virginia."

"He's kinda cute." He looked at me like I was crazy, before cocking his head to the side.

"Yeahhh, and he's kinda twenty."

"Ohhh." I scrunched up my face. "So cute, but too old for me baby." We walked to our first class where I sat by one of the finest dudes at school. Draylon Jones. Lawd he was truly a piece of art, with his 6'6 height, chocolate skin, muscles on ten, and his deep brown eyes. He was fine, but I wouldn't go for him dudes like him always think they can have any girl they want. In most cases they can, but not with this one here I may be a teenage stripper, but I do have some class. Our teacher Mr. Stein paired us up in groups, instead of doing it randomly like he normally does he made the person next to us our partner. Which leaves me partnering with Draylon. I tuned back in just in time to hear Mr. Stein say that we both had to spend almost a whole day learning about the others life outside of school, and their personality overall. I had no problem letting him find out about my personality, but my life outside of school, this is gonna be tough. No one except Jamal, and Ms. Dorothy knew about my job, or Symphony, unlike the other chicks at this school I knew how to keep my private life private.

"So," Draylon called my attention. "do you want to go first, or should I?"

"You first." This will give me time to figure out how I'm going to let him in on my life without knowing my real life.

"Alright we'll start tomorrow I'll take you with me that whole day."

"Alright. See ya." We exchanged numbers, then went about our business after my next two classes I meet up with Jamal in the cafeteria.

"Hey sexy lady!" Jamal sings as he taps my thigh when I sit down.

"Hey boo." I kiss his cheek then check my phone to make sure  Symphony's school hasn't called me about anything.

"So you stopping by my house today?"

"Of course, one because I'm probably your ride home. And two because I gotta let your mom see Symphony before she kills me."

"True, especially the second one my mom definitely been on my case about when you gonna bring her back over."  After lunch I went to my classes as the day slowly winded down. I was at my locker grabbing everything I'd need when somebody tapped my shoulder, I turned to see who it was. It was one of the cheerleaders, Alexis Evans to be exact. We've never said two words to each other.

"You're Caramia, right?" She asked looking at me.

"Yes, why?"

"I know you got paired with Draylon today," Now I know this chick didn't come to start no 'stay away from my man' shit. "I'm not here to say stay away from my man. I just wanna tell you to be careful with him ok?" With that she walked away I wanted to be mad, but I don't have time for that. Now on to more important things, like picking my baby up from school, and going to see my family.

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