Vacation Maybe?

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I really don't want to go to school today, I've been pulling doubles at the club to make some extra money. I'm so exhausted, like my body has almost no energy. Chris already took Symphony to school so that gave me an extra hour of sleep.

"Ow!" I yelled as a sharp slap was delivered to my butt.

"Ow, nothing now get up you gotta get ready for school." Chris said pulling the covers off me.

"But baby, I'm tired." I whined.

"You can be tired at school, now get ya ass up." He yanked me out of bed.

I trudged to the bathroom locking the door behind me. I took a seat on the toilet after I put the seat and lid down. It won't hurt if I just lean against the wall, and rest my eyes for a bit.

"I don't hear a shower going." Chris' voice boomed from the other side of the door.

Chris is a big stickler for education, he's gotten worse since he enrolled himself in college now. I'm proud of my baby, but he doesn't have classes everyday like I do. All of his classes are on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. We have a good schedule set up for Symphony, on the days Chris has class I take her to school, and go to work at six when he gets home. His last class is over at four sometimes three if class isn't really slow, so I give him a little time to get to my side of town.

After I took my shower and brushed my teeth I sat on my bed in my bra and panties. I laid down, and curled up in my bed, I could feel the sleep creeping up on me. My face was suddenly splashed with water.

"What the fuck Chris!" He stood over me holding a bottle of water.

"Mia I told you, you need to take your ass to school."

"Baby, I'm really tired though." I tug his hand lightly hoping he'll give in.

"I don't care, you're supposed to be setting an example for Lil Bit. How you gonna do that when you're missing days of school?"

"Chris, I know you're trying to make up for the time you missed with her, but you're not going to miss anything else. I've had her by myself since I was thirteen if I was gonna set a bad example for her I'd be strung out on drugs, or bringing a different nigga home every night. She sees us everyday trust me she knows how hard we work for her."

"Fine, you can stay home today, but tomorrow your ass is going to school you got it?" He looked at me sternly.

I scramble into his lap happily wrapping my arms and legs around him.

"Thank you babyyyyy!" I cheer giving his lips a tiny peck.

He lays on his back with me still in his lap. My head lay comfortably against his chest as his hands lock around my waist. It didn't take me long to fall asleep.

Stretching as I wake up I notice I'm alone in bed. Chris is either in the kitchen or at the warehouse. I hear small mumbles from the front room, guess he's still home. I stand in the hall where he can't see me listening to his conversation.

"Oh really," His voice inquires. "is that so?"

Laughter coats his voice as he talks.

"How's everything?" He nods as the person on the other end responds.

"Oh, you miss me?" My brow quirks at that.

"I miss you too baby doll." His husky voice rasps out. Damn that voice, but back to this conversation I'm not supposed to be hearing.

"Hmm, really?" He chuckles.

"I love you too." I finally make myself known by walking into the living room, and sitting on his lap.

"Hi Bianca." Chris handed me the phone.

"Hey Mama Mia." She said affectionately

"How you doing baby girl?"

"I'm okay, wishing I was back home?"

Things have to be bad if she wants to come back here. Chris told me about what her brother did to her. She's just a kid, how could anybody do that to her? If I ever find out who he is that nigga is dead!

"What's going on over there? You sound kind of down."

"Just these girls, they're picking on me. I haven't told Uncle Ace because he's already done so much for me, and I don't want to bother him with this."

Even though she's been living with Ace for a good few months she doesn't see him as a father figure for whatever reason. Since Ace sees Chris, and Ty as his little brothers she automatically went with calling him Uncle Ace. I think it's really because she had been with Chris the longest, and he taught her everything she knows about slinging. Not to mention he took care of her the whole time she worked for him.

"They didn't put their hands on you did they?"

"No, just messing with me for being an orphan. Saying nobody wants me, and stuff like that."

" Listen to me, you're not an orphan. You're loved, and very wanted you have a whole family over here. Me, Chris, Ty, Symphy, and Ace, we're your family. Those little whores can say whatever they want to you, you let that roll off your shoulders. But the minute they decide they wanna touch you please let me know, because I'm coming to fuck shit up."

"Yes ma'am, I'll call you guys back Uncle Ace is coming in, and I haven't started my homework yet. I love you guys."

"We love you too." The line went dead.

"Everything good?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, just some chicks that have nothing better to do with their life bothering her."

"How about we take a trip there next week?"

"Who's we?"

"You, me, Lil Bit, Ty, Jamal, and Alexis, I think everybody needs a break from Virginia."

I turned so I was straddling his lap.

"I think that's a great idea baby."

Chris gripped my but as he deepened the kiss between us. I will never get tired of kissing this man, or being in his arms.

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