Danger In Love: Meetup

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Finally the time had arrived. Mark arrived at the diner at 7:50, to avoid being late as he didn't want the hacker to change his mind. But by the time 8 arrived, he was nowhere to be seen. Mark taps his foot impaitently under the table looking down at his watch for the tenth time. 8:05. Had the man changed his mind? was he not coming?

Finally Mark see's the green haired man enter through the door. He was not wearing the same hoodie from before but a simpler outfit, consisting of a white t-shirt overtop a long sleeve navy blue one, blue jeans, a gray scarf around his neck, and a gray hat sitting atop his green hair. The same satchel from before slung over his shoulder. His blue eyes scan the diner before landing on Mark. He walks over and sits down without a simple hello.

A waitress walks by and he reaches out grabbing her arm, gently but firmly.

"Get me a coffee, no cream"

He says seeming rude, the waitress looks a bit annoyed but simply nods and looks to Mark asking if he would like anything.

"Just a latte is fine"

As he says that the waitress walks away. Mark looks at the man, already being able to tell he cared for no one but himself. He seemed rude but Mark would just have to pull through. The man finally turns to Mark and looks at him, extending his hand a bit as their eyes meet.

"You can call me Jack"

He says simply in his Irish accent, watching the red haired man closely. Mark hesitates and then takes his hand shaking it a bit.

"I'm Mark.... is Jack your real name?"

He asks curiously, wanting to get as much information on the hacker as possible. Jack glares slightly and pulls his hand away.

"I'm going to set the ground rules right now"

Jack says his voice almost sounding like a soft growl.

"Rule number one, no asking any questions about my personal life, rule two no questions about my previous customers, and rule three money gets paid up front"

Jack says holding his hand out expectantly. Mark watches him still distrusting.

"How about half up front, half when the job is done"

Mark says not really wanting to pay all the money just to have him go on the run. Jack looks actually offended at this and scoffs his hand still holding out expecting the money.

"Now tell me why would I run off with your money? I have never once even thought about it. I'm not a crook, so either its all up front or I will walk out of those doors"

Jack says in a firm voice, clearly not planning on giving up anytime soon. Mark soon sighs and reaches into his pocket pulling out a roll of cash, most of them hundred dollar bills and shoves it into Jack's hand. Jack smirks slightly and takes it beginning to count it and soon shoving it into his pocket and looking at Mark, his hands folding on the table in front of him.

"so tell me, Mark... What is this mission you need my help for?"

Mark runs a hand through his red hair once again, this clearly being a habit of his.

"I'm working on taking down a small drug ring, however they have fairly advanced technology... I need you to disable the camera's and hack into their security system so we can get inside. I'm not going to lie, its going to be dangerous"

Jack nods slightly and looks at Mark as their coffee is delivered. Jack takes his and sips it, not minding the scalding temperature of the liquid and then puts it down looking at Mark.

"Alright, not like i got much to live for anyhow.... when do we get started?"

Jack asks with a small smile showing how much he was ready to do this. Mark smiles slightly  and looks at him standing up and setting some money down on the table before speaking.

"Follow me"

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