Danger In Love: First Blood

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((Hey guys, i'm so sorry! I was going to update yesterday but my computer apparently hates me... It crashed and didn't save my story so I had to retype everything! Ugh... whatever I like the way it turned out this time much better anyhow... anyway enjoy! <3 ))

Mark peeks one eye open, his ears ringing slightly from the gun shot, the sight surprises him slightly. The man who had held the gun to his head now lays in a heap right next to Mark and Jack holds a gun aimed at where the blonde once stood, slightly in shock himself. The black haired man regains himself and begins rushing at Jack, but Jack turns, almost as though it was instinctive and shoots the man straight through his chest, killing him instantly.

Jack stands with the gun still aimed in that spot as he looks down at the once breathing man. He killed someone. He takes about a full minute to regain himself and walks over, with shaky hands untying the red haired man. Jack stands and reaches out his hand to help the man up, he looked nonchalant, but the shaking gave away the horror he felt at killing two people.

"Jack... Jack are you ok?"

Mark asks looking into the blue haired man's eyes worriedly, Jack doesn't respond his eyes seeming unfocused and dilated. Jack gulps quietly and nods sticking his shaky hands into his pockets and turning away.

"Let's go..."

Jack mumbles under his breath starting to walk away. Mark watches him for a few seconds, questioningly. Mark didn't know much about the man, however it didn't seem that something like this would shake him up, working for one of the largest drug rings around Mark thought he saw this all the time. The red haired man shakes these thoughts away, and bends down grabbing his jacket and packing the items taken out away. As he is packing up the guns his eyes fall over to a small USB drive sitting on the ground. Mark picks it up turning it around in his hand, on one side of it sat a small symbol, a symbol matching the one on the back of Jack's laptop, the green eye with a blue pupil.

Mark looks over to where Jack stood in the doorway, smoking a cigarette and waiting for Mark, not at all paying attention to the man, lost in his own thoughts. Mark thinks for a second before sticking it into his pocket and walking towards the man. Jack doesn't look at him until he stands directly beside him.

"Are you sure you're ok? You seem shook."

Mark says quietly looking at the green haired man again. Jack doesn't respond at all for a few seconds thinking to himself before nodding again, dropping the cigarette to the ground and stomping it out, before finally looking at the green haired man.

"I'm fine. Isn't it normal to shake after your first killing?"

Jack retorts quietly, Mark looks at him a few seconds before nodding quietly.

"Yah... I just thought-"

He begins but is cut off as Jack releases a growl looking at the man with a glare.

"Thought what? I've done it before? That I'm some criminal who kills for a living!?"

Jack begins his voice raising with each sentence.

"I don't kill people Mark! Even I have my limits...."

Jack finishes getting quieter with that last sentence, as his gaze moves away. Mark looks at the man, shocked slightly by his outburst, in a second he reaches forward, placing his hand gently yet firmly against the green haired man's shoulder.

"I told you before, I don't think you're a criminal..."

Mark says quietly, waiting for Jack's blue eyes to look at him again before continuing.

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