Danger In Love: Awake

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((Hello guys, Alright so many of you got mad at me for the last cliff hanger, and I'm sorry XD I just love cliff hangers! Anyway, after this chapter there will only be one more, and I'm sad to see this one end, but like everything it has to. This will for sure not be my last fanfiction, so expect many more, especially more septiplier because I am a hopeless fangirl. Anyway, enjoy! :D ))

Marks eyes slowly open, the first thing he see's is a bright light, forcing him to squint. He groans as his eyes slowly adjust and finds himself in what seems to be a hospital, evident by the white room and medical supplies all around the room, including and IV hooked up to his arm.

The red haired man slowly sits up with a small groan, as he sits up he feels pain in his chest and looks down, he was shirtless, a white bandage wrapped around his torso and slightly stained with blood.

He shakes his head as the memories come back before finally looking around the room. His eyes finally landing on a figure, asleep in one of the chairs against the wall. Mark smiles as he recognizes it as Jack.

Jack's chest rose slowly, his closed eyes seeming red and puffy, as though he had been crying, his green hair was a mess, as it always seemed to be. Mark stays quiet not wanting to wake the man and inspects the rest of himself. Aside from the bandage across his torso, he had a bandage around his hand as well, which also soaked through slightly, staining it red.

He tries to flex his hand only to wince and leave it limp. Besides those two wounds he seemed mostly fine, though a bit lightheaded, most likely caused by the amount of blood lost.

He reaches up with his good hand and feels the back of his head, a small lump seemed to have formed, though he didn't remember hitting his head. He sighs quielty and drops his hand. His eyes felt heavy, and he considered going back to sleep, but a part of him didn't want to.

"You're up."

A quiet female voice says startling Mark from his own thoughts and making him jump. Mark looks over quickly seeing who he assumed to be a nurse in the doorway. He hadn't heard her open the door.

"Sorry Mr. Fischbach, I didn't mean to startle you."

She apologizes softly with a sweet smile, her voice kept quiet, as she tried to not wake the green haired man up. Mark shakes his head and looks at her curiously.

"No worries.... What happened..."

Mark asks quietly, wanting to make sure he hadn't missed anything, and that all his memories were intact. She walks forward saying nothing at first and checking the IV which was connected to his arm before finally looking up, her light green eyes looking into Mark's brown ones gently.

"Well, i'm sure you remember. But you got shot..."

She sighs softly, her voice slightly worried as her eyes go down to his bandages stained with blood.

"Let me change those."

She says walking to a drawer and taking out a fresh roll of bandages along with a rag and some alcohol to clean the wound. Mark nods and sits up as she begins unwrapping the bandages around his chest first.

"Right... What happened after that..."

Mark questions, wincing slightly as the bandages are fully pulled off and the cold air hits his wounded chest. Mark looks down at the wound, seeing a couple stitches that would leave a noticable scar for sure.


The nurse begins pouring some alcohol onto the rag and beginning to clean the bloody stitches. Mark hisses quietly in pain, but stays still, letting her do her job.

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