Danger In Love: Mission Complete

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Mark leans over breathing heavily and reaches under his jacket, Jack watches him press a button on some metallic device before he covers it up once again and stands fully straight. Mark, having regained his breath completely reaches into his belt, grabbing out a second gun and offering it to Jack.

"You might want some protection..."

Mark says quietly to Jack, who shakes his head. The green haired man tilts his head with a small smile.

"Don't bother, I can't shoot to save my life. Just protect me and we won't have a problem."

Jack says walking slightly away from Mark. Mark sighs and grumbles under his breath putting the second gun away once again.

"Great, another thing to worry about...."

He mumbles under his breath before following after Jack. The warehouse was much larger on the inside, and was scattered with boxes, some empty, some holding an unknown substance. Jack walks up to one of the boxes, despite Mark warning him not to, and touches the powdery substance within rubbing it between his fingers and looking at it.


He says quietly wiping the stuff from his fingers on his pants. Mark looks at him walking forward.

"How can you tell?"

He asks looking at the man, hoping to maybe get something more out of him. Jack looks at him and smiles a bit mischievously.

"Just believe I know what I'm talking about Marky"

Jack says almost a bit teasingly as he walks away from the box and further into the building.

"So how exactly are we going to take this place down?"

Jack asks not turning back to Mark, whom had cringed at the fact he had been called 'Marky'. Mark sighs and follows him again.

"First off will you be careful where you are walking, we aren't sure if this building is clear"

Mark says with a glare making Jack scoff. Jack reaches down opening his laptop once again, and typing something in. His eyes scan his screen, his glasses showing a reflection of what looked to be the building.

"All clear."

Jack says after a moment his eyes travelling up to Mark with a smirk.

"You can't be sure Jack"

Mark says with a small growl, only making Jack smile more.

"I checked all the cameras, this place is emptier than your head"

Jack says knocking on his head once with his fist as though to prove a point. In a second he closes his computer and a bullet wizzes past his head, it would have hit his computer if he had closed it even a second later.

Mark curses under his breath and lifts the gun aiming at where the bullet had come from, he focuses on that spot for a moment before he shoots, the gunshot ringing out around the building. A guy falls with a grunt and soon all noise dies out once again. Mark shoots a glare at Jack who simply shrugged, not seeming bothered by the fact he was almost shot.

"My bad, now the building it clear... Nice shot Marky"

He says tilting his head at the red haired man with a small cocky grin. Mark growls quietly and grabs his arm almost making him drop his computer as he pulls him along.

"Be more careful, we can't just prance in here alright??"

Mark says with a snarl and shoots a glance back at Jack.

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