Danger In Love: Return

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((Two chapters in one day?? I know crazy right!? haha, anyway forget what I said in the last chapter about this one being long, I figured out a way to split it up :) enjoy! ))

Mark and Jack sat in those cells for what felt like at least five days. No food, no water, nobody coming in to check on them. Jack seemed to have just given up on everything while Mark constantly looked through everything, trying to find some way out, though he had no luck.

Jack told him repeatedly, much to Mark's annoyance, that there was nothing to do but wait. However Mark didn't give up.

They were both worn, without food, without water, and neither of them really got any sleep, except an occasional nap, consisting of no more than ten minutes as was evident by the dark circles beneath both men's eyes.

"Mark will you give it up already..."

Jack says with a sigh hearing Mark shuffling around his cell for the fifth time today.

"No, there has to be a way."

Mark says defiantly, clearly still not giving up. Jack growls quietly.

"You've checked over everything. All we have to do is wait, i'm sure someone will come back eventually."

Mark finally, after another couple minutes slumps against the wall again leaning his back against it and sighing.

"Great... and when they come back, they kill us...."

Mark says quietly with a slight growl. Jack says nothing to that, knowing it was true.

"So Jack, that guy that brought us here.... Is he the boss of the whole operation?"

Mark says after a couple minutes silence. Jack shakes his head before remembering Mark couldn't see him.

"No... He's just a lieutenent... I don't know where the boss has been..."

Jack responds with a sigh. Mark opens his mouth to ask more but stops as footsteps can be heard. The same man from before, Nick, walks forward again with three other people, the three of them each wearing a simple mask covering their faces.

"Ah hello again, long time no see Mark... Sean..."

The man says with a small smile, simply getting a glare from both men.

"Well, unfortunetely, as much as I wanted to torture the both of you, boss's orders say to kill you immediately... such a shame....."

The man says lifting a gun and aiming it through the bars at Mark who simply looks away, ready for his fate to be sealed. A gunshot rings out.

Mark looks back over just as Nick falls to the ground, blood leaking from a bullet wound in his head. And one of the masked men holding the gun. The man holsters his gun and snaps his fingers. The other two men simply dragging the body off to the side.

Mark looks dumbfounded, staring at the man who had killed Nick. Who was it.

The man reaches up, pulling off his mask, the man had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, his face a nearly full beard. Mark's eyes widen at the sight and he stands up walking towards the bars, his mind racing, trying to figure out if he truly saw what he thought he did.


Mark asks dumbfounded, he thought he died, Mark was told he bled out.

"Miss me, Mark?"

((Another cliff hanger I'm sorry! please don't kill me! ))

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