Danger In Love: Taken

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((Hey guys sorry I took so long, some stuff happened and I had to be away for a couple days. I hope you understand :) But i'm back now and hopefully won't take as long to update next time.))

Mark releases a small groan as his eyes slowly open, his head spinning as he sees nothing but darkness. As his eyes adjust to the dark space he sees he is in some old building, as though it hadn't been used in years. Dust and cobwebs seeming to cover every inch of it.

He tries to move only to find he is tied down, his arms tied behind his back and behind the chair he was sitting in and his legs tied to the chair's wooden legs.

"What the hell..."

He mumbles under his breath before his memories flood back, Jack talking to that man, betraying him. Mark cusses under his breath and looks around finally seeing the others in the room. There were multiple men, about five each holding a gun, and facing away from Mark, but still at the ready. And a little ways from them, still in Mark's view was Jack with the man from before.

Jack held his hand out as the man piled cash into his palm, counting out under his breath as he did. Jack's face sat emotionless, no one seeming to have noticed the red haired man was conscious yet. Finally the man finishes with the last of the cash and Jack looks down at it, then at the man again with a slight glare.

"Your short, you promised me 700,000, this is only 650,000..."

Jack says, his Irish accent a slight growl. The man shrugs him off and turns away from the green haired hacker.

"Too bad, your jobs done, get out of here..."

The man says, his voice deep and gruff. The black haired man's eyes finally go to Mark, who glares at him.

"Ah you're awake. Hello Mr. Fischbach."

The black haired man says in his gruff voice, making Jack look over. Mark ignores the man and now glares at Sean.

"You son of a bitch...."

Mark says, his voice dripping with venom.

"You sold me out... and for what? Some damn cash."

Mark growls quietly. Jack looks at him, his face mostly emotionless, though a bit of guilt shone through. He looked as though he wanted to say something but kept his mouth shut. Jack says nothing and simply looks away from Mark's shameful gaze stuffing the money into his bag beginning to walk away.

"I can't believe I trusted you Sean......"

Mark says with a snarl. Jack stops at hearing his real name and seems to want to turn back, to look the red haired man in the face. But he clenches his fist and forces himself to keep walking, before the large door can be heard closing.

"Now now, enough with the drama... You didn't really trust him did you? Some criminal like him?"

The black haired man says with a chuckle, seeming genuinely amused with the scenario. The man soon stops chuckling and walks forward so he stands directly in front of Mark, who glares at him with intense hatred.

"Ok, you've got me... what do you want..."

Mark says in a quiet mumble, his brown eyes never leaving the man, and never showing any emotion but hatred.

"Well you see, Mr. Fischbach....You and your coworkers... have shut down every one of my cartels.... Because of you I've been making no money."

The man begins his voice seeming to turn to a slight growl.

"So, I need you to tell me everything about your operation. Everything. So I can destroy you once and for all and go about my life."

Mark watches him before his mouth curls up into a small smile, his smile slightly amused but not happy. A chuckle escapes him as he looks at the man who glares at him with slight confusion.

"Really now? You think destroying my company will let you get away with selling those drugs? There are others who are coming after you. Even if you destroy us, others will come...."

As Mark finishes that statement he winces slightly as the black haired man back hands him. The force jerking his head to the side, and stinging his cheek.

"Is this funny to you Mr. Fischbach?"

He says leaning forward so their faces were a couple inches apart, his breath warm against Mark's face. Mark looks at him, his small amused smile still in place.

"A little bit, your stupidity is quite amusing."

He says his brown eyes still shining with anger, which conflicted with the smile sitting on his lips. This makes the black haired man growl and backhand him again, with more force than the last time. The man stands straight again and turns walking a bit away from Mark, though he still talks to the red haired man.

"Very well... We'll do this the hard way then won't we Mark......"

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