Danger In Love: Gone Wrong

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((Hey guys sorry I took so long to update, my internet was being a jerk! But its back! :D))

The next day the two men sat, hidden in the cover of tree's. Watching a building, which looked normal, but was home to a large drug ring, sending the goods in and out of the country. Mark sat with binoculars occasionally glancing over as Jack had his laptop open, switching between the different camera's throughout the building.

"Anything yet Jack?"

Mark asks quietly setting his binoculars down for the fitfh time. Jack sighs and shakes his head.


Mark sighs and watches the man switch between the cameras in a bored fashion.


Mark says quietly using his real name once again. Jack looks up raising his eyebrow at the red haired man questioningly.

"I don't mean to pry... but what made you get into this? There are plenty other jobs having to do with computers... less dangerous ones"

Mark asks quietly sitting back slightly. Jack watches the man for a few more seconds before sighing and shrugging, his gaze wandering back to his computer again.

"I've always liked computers I suppose... besides I make good money doing it"

He says nonchalantly shrugging his shoulders again, thinking to himself a bit.

"I get that, but there are other careers, a hired hacker is a dangerous job... why did you get into such a thing?"

Mark asks his gaze never leaving the green haired man in front of him. Jack shoots a look at the agent his blue eyes slightly annoyed.

"What were my rules? No questions about my personal life"

Jack mumbles simply before sighing and looking at the man again.

"But... I suppose I can answer this one... its fairly simple."

He says quietly setting his computer to the side, Mark watching him do so.

"Why did you join the force? There are safer jobs."

He says quietly, somewhat mimicking Mark's earlier tone. Mark thinks on it for a second before shrugging himself and running a hand through his red hair.

"I did it for the adventure I suppose..."

He finally says after a few seconds of silence, Jack looks at him and nods slightly.


He says and Mark nods slightly in understanding.

"I wouldn't want to be stuck in some office job, this is more fun."

Jack says quietly smiling slightly, his annoyance seeming to have just vanished. Mark smiles slightly as well rubbing the back of his neck.

"We aren't so different, huh?"

Mark says looking at the man again, Jack looks back his blue eyes boring into Mark's brown ones.

"No, we're complete opposites."

Jack says a small playful smile rounding his mouth, making Mark chuckle and shake his head.

"We are, think about it... You're some kind of cop working to protect this damned city, and I'm a simple hacker, doing illegal things just to make some money. You're the hero, I'm the villain..."

Jack finishes shrugging again, sounding mostly nonchalant except for his voice breaking a bit at the end, his eyes moving away from the man and down, thoughts seeming to race through his head. Mark reaches his hand out slightly seeming to want to comfort the man from whatever thoughts went through his head, but he stops himself dropping his hand.

"I don't think you're a villain Sean...."

Mark says quietly making Jack look at him slightly.

"We've all done bad things."

As Mark finishes Jack looks at him, his eyes slightly pained for a split second, before disappearing so fast Mark wasn't sure it was really there. Replaced with a teasing smile.

"Even you Markimoo? Aren't you the big noble Mark, saving the city one drug ring at a time?"

Jack says teasingly making Mark laugh quietly and shake his head.

"No... I've done a few things I'm not proud of."

He says simply, Jack looks at him silently urging him to go into detail, but he doesn't slightly disappointing the man. Jack opens his mouth to speak but movement from his computer catches his eye. He grabs the laptop again lifting it to his lap and scrolling through the cameras.

"Got something."

Jack says quietly to Mark who looks over the green haired man's shoulder and onto his screen. Three men walked through the building, glancing around nervously as they do.

"What are they doing...?"

Mark mumbles to himself quietly as Jack switches cameras following the men through the building. As they get to one room one of the men walks over to the camera lifting a sheet over it and blocking their view.


Mark mumbles under his breath as Jack switches between cameras trying to find them again, but unable to. Mark stands up and pulls his gun from his belt, cocking it and beginning to walk from their spots. Jack reaches up grabbing his sleeve and shakes his head.

"Don't go in.... Something isn't right"

Jack says simply looking at the screens still, something seeming off about the scenario. Mark pulls his arm away and glares slightly at the man.

"I have to go in, they're up to something, and i'm going to stop it."

Mark says simply pulling away from Jack again and walking towards the building. Jack curses under his breath and stands up as well packing his laptop away and grumbling to himself as he hurries to catch up to the man.

They walk inside quietly Mark having his gun at the ready, and Jack following behind him, nervously, something still felt off to him and he wasn't sure what. They stalk through the building before coming to the room they had lost the men, and looking around quietly, nothing.

Mark relaxes slightly with his gun and walks in, with Jack right on his heels.

"Where did they g-"

Mark begins turning to Jack before a hard object hits the back of his head hard, knocking him unconscious, he hits the floor roughly with a grunt. Jack's eyes widen as he looks at one of the men who glared at him, a gun in his hand, which he had hit Mark over the head with. Jack opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out as another man hits him over the head with the handle of his gun, knocking him to the ground. Jack's vision blurs, the last thing him seeing is the men talking before everything goes black.

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