Danger In Love: End

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((It is a sad day, this story is ending! :(  I really don't want this to end at all, but everything has to at some point. But don't worry, this will not be my last septiplier story, I have a bunch of other ideas including other AU's. And big news, I got a friend of mine who is willing to edit anything new I write! :D So that definitely will improve the future stories. Anyway I won't hold up much more of your time here. Before I start the final chapter though, this one is really long... I don't know why it turned out so long since its basically just cute moments between Mark and Jack... but it happened, so sorry about that. Anyhow enjoy! and if you have any ideas for stories in the future let me know! <3 ))

The next few days past fairly quickly to Mark. Perhaps it was because Jack never left, distracting Mark whenever he began to feel down. That was something Mark loved about the Irish man. His smile was heart melting, and his laughter was contagious.

Mark healed up fairly quickly as well, the wounds not paining him as much as before, and him even being able to walk around without much pain. Though he couldn't get far without needing a rest.

On the fifth day after he had woke up he was told he could go home if he wished, though Mark was to take it easy and not stress. That was easy as Jack promised to help in any way possible.

Soon Mark is in a wheel chair being rolled out the front doors by none other than the loud green haired man, Jack.

"Sean, I can walk to the car you know..."

Mark complains for the fifth time, hating the feeling of being a burden, especially to Jack.

"Too bad Markimoo, I want to make sure you're okay."

Jack teases Mark a happy skip in his step as he rolls Mark towards the car.

"Consider me your wife for now, I won't let you strain yourself."

Jack adds, his voice jokingly going a bit higher pitch at the end, as to mimic a woman's voice. Mark laughs quietly, his cheeks slightly heating as he imagines Jack actually being his lover.

"Alright, honey."

Mark rolls his eyes, and this time Jack was the one to blush. Soon they arrive at the car and Jack helps Mark into the passenger side and simply rolls the wheel chair off to the side of the parking lot, not bothering to bring it back inside, before climbing in the driver's seat and starting the car.

"It's rude to just leave the wheelchair there, Sean."

Mark mumbles glancing over to the green haired Irish man.

"Have you ever known me to be polite?"

Jack winks at Mark as he speaks, his mouth curved into a small mischievous grin. Mark rolls his eyes for what feels like the millionth time today but says nothing else as Jack pulls out of the parking lot and begins on the road.

Soon Jack hits a pothole in the road causing the car to jump. Mark winces, groaning slightly in pain as the bump forces his torso to bend slightly. Jack glances over as he hears the groan and widens his eyes as Mark clutches his bandaged chest slightly. Jack quickly pulls over to the side of the road, earning a honk from one of the passerby's, which he ignores.

"Are you ok, oh my god, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean-"

Jack rambles worriedly, only to be cut off by Mark's hand on his shoulder, the warmth calming the man slightly.

"Sean, I'm fine, don't worry...."

Mark says with a small smile. He thought it was sweet how Jack cared for him, and found it adorable how much he worried.

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