Chapter- 2: The Search Begins

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Scene-1: Samual walk right passed the swarm of the undead no one pays attention to him.He quickly found the car and drove it near the room where Dr. Kavya ,Nathan,Martin are waiting.He pulled over the car and give a  signal to his friends to come running towards him.

Kavya: see ! here we go the car is right there we have to make a run for it without being noticed by the undead.Who is going first?

Nathan: I do. I am a great driver. I will get us out of here in no time.

Martin:oh please! who are you fooling ? You drive very slowly like a tortoise.I drive like a jet.I will drive but first ,you go Kavya 

Kavya:Oh! thanks! Martin.

Martin:don't mention it. Now go hurry up.

Scene-2:Kavya ,Martin ,Nathan gets in the car but the guard and General Vasco are attacked by the swarm of  undead and killed by them brutely.The  Swarm of Undead followed the car for 2 miles then they move in another direction.

Nathan: Are they  still following us?

Martin:No,they move in another direction.

Kavya(crying): General Vasco is a great man.I will never see him again.

Martin:Don't worry we will find the cure and we honour  General Vasco by naming the cure after him.

Kavya:(crying): seriously ?

Martin: Samual! Where exactly do you see the flying Saucer?

Samual: Near the Aldreich Mountain.

Martin:Alright Buckle up we are going to Aldreich Mountain.

Scene-3: Aldreich Mountain is 10 miles and 2 towns away.Martin and others decided to spend the night in a nearby motel.

Nathan:Are you sure that it is a good idea to spend the night in a nearby motel? What if the undead catch up with us?

Martin:Well, I don't know I am too tired to drive and I need some rest.This is a risk I am willing to take and also we will inform other people beforehand about the undead.So that they could protect themselves.

Kavya: Martin is right.We should take some rest we need all the strength we have to reach the Aldreich Mountains .

Samual: Let me make a reservation in the motel.

Nathan: why you?

Samual: I don't know because I am not a  coward like you.

Nathan: Watch it!

Samual: or what? What will you do?hurt me.Oh please!

Martin: you two cut it out.It is not a  right time to fight.

Nathan: you see how your precious friend is insulting me.I am telling you he is not a good man.One day you will realize it to but then it is too late.

Martin: oh! don't be melodramatic come on.How much money do you have?

Nathan: let me see! $80 and you?

Martin:I have $50 . I think that will be enough.

Scene-4:Samual asks the motel manager about the price.

Manager:$100 single room.

Samual:ok we are taking the room.Here's  your $100 .

Martin: how much is it?

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