Chapter-7:Where are We Exactly?

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Author's Note:The Journey of Martin,Nathan,Pulkit,Cheryl begins now.They are now in the Year 2076.The World is ruled by an Evil dictator named Samual.Everything is at stake now.Who will win?Samual or Martin?Let's find out.PLEASE READ CHAPTER 6 FIRST THEN ONLY YOU WILL UNDERSTAND WHAT IS GOING ON HERE.PLEASE! COMMENT and VOTE.Thank You For Reading.

Scene-1:BLUE ZONE:In future i.e 2076 the Aldreich mountains is situated in the blue zone.Ex-members of the Verzet lives among other people here.The people basically do  digging  for gold and other metals here.Verzet are the people who are immune against the undead.They are of AB-Negative blood type.There are  few of them left.They have no effect of the Coil Bracelet used by the evil humanoid Robots Hagknecks.People think that Verzet is over but in reality.The Verzet is still active.There are 5 members of Verzet which closely monitors the activity of the Reckons(Alien Beings).The members of Verzet disguises themselves as local farmers and mining people so that they could get an entry inside the blue zone.We all know that blue zone is restricted for common people other than mining people.Verzet is figuring out the weaknesses of the evil aliens and also investigating that what are the evil aliens up to.Verzet has no leader now.Thier Leader Derek has been killed by Samual himself.The Verzet  also want a leader who will guide them in  the battle against Samual and Reckons.

Rob and Tony are digging the sand for metal.Suddenly they heard a cracking sound of thunder.A flash of white light appears.Martin,Pulkit,Nathan,Cheryl and MONITATE appears out of the blue.

Rob:Who are you people?

Pulkit:It's complicated.You tell me which year is it?

Tony:2076.Now tell me your name?

Pulkit:What?2076? Are you kidding me?We travelled 60 years into the future.Oh! my god.

Tony:What are you muttering all about?You don't answer my question who are you?

Pulkit:My name is Pulkit.I am a Scientist.These are my friend Martin,Nathan ,Cheryl.

Rob:A scientist???What are you doing here in the blue zone?You must be in the Red zone.

Pulkit:Zone??What zone??? I am new sir please tell me all about this landscape.

Scene-2:Tony tells everything all about Samual the zones and the Reckons.After listening to all this Pulkit takes a heavy breath.Rob is looking at the MONITATE mysteriously.He has never seen a robot like MONITATE in his entire life.Rob touches the MONITATE.MONITATE starts beeping.INTRUSION ALERT! INTRUSION ALERT!.

Rob:What is this thing?Shut it down.It is drawing everyone's attention.

Pulkit:It is my Robot named MONITATE.

Tony:(With Fear):HAGKNECKs keep it away from me.

Pulkit:No not like the evil HAGkneck it is a friendly robot.see MONITATE shake hands with Tony.

MONITATE:GREETINGS STRANGER!(MONITATE shakes hands with Tony and Rob).

Rob:ok,I get it It's a friendly robot.

Martin:Why are you all wearing this blue dress?

Pulkit:(He told him all about the scenario).


Nathan:Look Martin.I am right all along.Samual is evil.Now he rule the world.

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