Chapter- 4 : All The Questions Will Be Answered

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Author's Note: I am going to write in uppercase letters when the robot has his conversation to differentiate it from the  human conversation like INTRUSION ALERT.I hope you like my idea so enjoy the story and vote and  please give me your valuable comment.Also tell me who is your favorite character in the book just write the name in the comment section.So enjoy.Thank you all for reading this. 

Scene-1: The humanoid robot is having conversations with a man on the control panel.The man stood up and is coming right at us.The man looked happy and greets us by our name.

Man:  Martin ,Nathan What are you still doing here?

Martin:Who are you?How do you know our name?

Man: Well, You didn't make it, did you?.Oh! Dear.You forget everything.My name is Pulkit Awasthi.I am a Theoretical Physicist .My field is  Quantum Mechanics.Remember?

Martin:No, sir I don't remember you but you do look familiar.Have we met before?

Pulkit:I know this would happen.Time Travel has its consequences.

Martin:Time Travel?Sir,no disrespect but you are not making any sense.

Pulkit: Let me explain it to you.Do you ever hear about  Butterfly Effect or Deja Vu?

Nathan: no, Why? 

Pulkit: Let me explain it to you.The butterfly effect is the concept that small changes can have large effects.See This control panel over here.See how much you have changed the future by changing the past.The Red shows predictable future and green shows variable future.

Martin:I don't get that.Please tell me from the beginning.

Pulkit:ok.This might seem strange to you but we  had this conversation many, MONYTATE, tell them.

Martin:Now, who the hell is MONITATE?

Pulkit:My humanoid robot is named MONYTATE.It is not a normal robot it is an artificial intelligence enabled robot.It makes its own decisions.It will show you everything.I put a  small digital camera in its eyes from which it records everything it records in high definition.It has many sensors enabled.It can read your feelings by looking at your eye's cornea.It has a storage capacity of 100YB(Yottabyte).

Cheryl:That's amazing.Is it for sale?

Pulkit:No,It is like a friend and my family.It will never be for sale.By the way, who are you miss?

Cheryl:Hello, I am Cheryl I am an investigative journalist.

Pulkit:Okay.You are new.Martin and Nathan now listen closely what I am telling you it may sound weird but this is not our first meeting. We met  a couple of times in the past.These mountains are causing some kind of alternate reality kind of scenario.I have been researching these mountains since I was a little boy.I notice many people have gone missing from these mountains.So I decided to study the mountains myself.I posted an ad in the newspaper for some volunteers.You, Martin from my reality along with Nathan responded and agreed to go with me in these mountains.

Martin: Strangely I am now remembering things...but how is that possible.I am a busy banker.How can I have memories of the things which I never even did?

Nathan:I am remembering them  too.Oh! yes, I remember the ad in the newspaper.

Pulkit:Both of you are right.Alternate realities do exist.I think these mountains are causing that somehow.My quantum theory also shows many instances of foreign memories events that never took place in the real life but we do remember them quite vividly. Did know anything about the Schrödinger's cat experiment? It was  devised by an Austrian physicist in 1935. The scenario presents a cat that may be simultaneously both alive and dead, a state known as  a result of being linked to a random event that may or may not occur. Similarly, it is happening here.

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