Chapter-11:VERZET Lives.

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Author's Note:This story is originally written by me.It is COPYRIGHTED.So please Do not steal It.Thank you for reading my story.The alien conversation begins with // to differentiate them from human conversation.

Scene-1:After the destruction of the teleportation booth everything is destroyed.Tony and Rob are killed.Marcus on the other hand, is gravely injured but his heart is still beating.Everyone Marcus knows is dead.The whole Grid is down due to the destruction of teleportation booth.All of a sudden a flying saucer appears on the sky and it start hovering over the crash site.The aliens are looking for survivors.They found Marcus bleeding.They abducted Marcus in their flying saucer and flew away.They try to repair Marcus with the help of thier latest technology.They added some machine parts in him to make him more strong.They turned Marcus into a CYBORG and then throw him again on the crash site and again flew away.After 5 hours of sleeping, Marcus wakes up on the crash site.He is now feeling good.All the pain is gone.Then he checks his body which is now of metal.Initially, he freaks out wondering what happened to him.Then he starts remembering all about how the teleportation booth destructs and all his friends are dead.The whole house of General Derek is still burning in flames. Marcus feels powerful he has a wild thought to pull up a large rock.He succeeded in pulling the rock and throwing it on other side.He is convinced now that he has super strength.He now becomes very happy that he will take revenge from Samual.He now head straight to the sleeping quarter to meet with the rest of the mining workers.

In the sleeping quarters ,everyone is cheering that Marcus is dead.Now other people want to take his place.They are making fun of him.They all are insulting him behind his back.Marcus overheard the conversation.Other members start shooting at him but he has no effect of bullets due to the metallic shield that is engraved in his body by the aliens.He declared himself invincible and announces that "VERZET lives".He now only want one thing revenge from Samual.Also now he becomes greedy now he wants to be the next king like his grandfather Albert,who is the king before Samual takes the throne.The only hurdle in his way is to cross over the zone.But as Marcus becomes a Cyborg so now he controls every Hagkneck and every machine there is on the planet.Marcus can now fully control all the HAGKNECks and grids in all the 4 zones.But the problem with  this is that blue zone is completely cut off from rest of the planet.In order to rule the world Marcus has to think of a plan to cross over the blue zone.

The aliens has fitted Marcus with the power drive of MONITATE that is left by Nathan while crossing the blue zone.So like a MONITATE Marcus has all the knowledge plus he is a human so this cyborg combination gives him immense power.His heart is armored with a tough and hard metal which is literally impenetrable.So he has no effects of a flying bullets.

Marcus understands and remembers now that he has been helped by the aliens.The aliens healed all his wounds from the blast and repair it by adding parts of the robot MONITATE's power drive.Turning him into a cyborg.Marcus thought that Samual and others will definitely return to the blue zone to find the missing piece of the robot MONITATE.He then will take revenge from Samual.Marcus is getting very hungry so he ate some food but it does not help.He is still very hungry.He is feeling like he is drained of all the blood inside its body .After a thought ,he understands that he is not human anymore.He is a cyborg.So he needs charging.After this thought, he quickly head towards THE GRID and quickly put the main power supply line into his body where the machine part is installed by the aliens.THE GRID has limited power due to the blast of the teleportation device.But Marcus consumes the remaining power into his body.After charging for 1 hour his hunger is vanished.So this way Marcus knows about his shortcoming.He needs a  daily dose of the  electric power supply to charge his body.Marcus starts weeping looking at his condition which is now totally  dependent on the power supply for his survival.Without the regular  dose of the  power supply, he is no more.Marcus becomes very sad and angry at the same time.His eyes grew blood red with anger.THE GRID powers the entire blue zone it has the  good abundance of electric power which is needed to charge Marcus's body who is now a cyborg.So Marcus starts living inside the Grid waiting for Samual and his team members to  return to fetch the remaining piece of MONITATE.

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