Chapter-9:The Dinner Is Served.

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Author's Note:How does Samual behave when he meets Martin?Will he freak out?What did Verzet do to keep Martin on their side?Let's Find Out.Thank You For Reading.

Scene-1:It's dinner time.General Derek is a punctual man.He arrives on time along with an army of Hagknecks.Samual is also accompanying him.Everybody sits on the dining table waiting for the food to come.Everyone there is afraid after seeing Samual.Pulkit comes at the scene along with his MONITATE.After seeing the MONITATE Samual is so impressed that he stood from his seat and shake hands with Pulkit.

Samual:It's a great invention.I must say you are a genius.General Derek said that you are a time traveller.Well time traveller where is your time machine?(laughing).

Pulkit:There are things which you are not aware of.The Aldriech mountain which you see is actually a mothership of aliens.It has hidden chambers and cabins.One of their chambers has a time portal.I used that to travel through time.

Samual:What?? How do you know about the truth about the Aldriech mountains.Who are you?Tell me at once.

Pulkit:You don't believe me do you?I will show you a proof.COME on all of you..

Scene-2:Martin and Nathan along with Cheryl comes at the scene.Samual is surprised and shocked to see Martin there.

Samual:Martin!!!! You are Alive!!! I thought you are dead.

Martin:Yes, I am alive.You tell me.Why do you left that day?Tell me I want to know?

Samual:General Derek take everyone out I want to talk with Martin go.I will signal you when done.The dinner is officially over.Now Go.

Scene-3:Everybody Left.Samual and Martin are  left alone in the whole room.

Samual:Now we can talk.Ask me anything.It is good to see you friend.

Martin:What happened that day? What is all this how come you become the dictator?How the hell you are still young?It's been 60 years.

Samual:I will tell you everything from the beginning.


Year 2016.After having an argument with Cheryl that day Samual returned to John house suddenly he was  abducted by the aliens in the spaceship.They are very bright in color so he can't see them.They are known as RECKONS they are telepathically connected with him in his mind.They told me that he has to help them or They will kill his sister Elenor,They abducted her and held her captive in a planet called Sacralus.This planet is a bad nightmare filled with Leeches and all kinds of insects very larger in size.They blackmail him if he don't attack the guys they will kill Elenor.They equipped him with many gears or powers like Mind controlling the Undead. The aliens think that  Martin and others were the enemy.That's why Samual choose family over friendship and order the Undead against Martin. Martin   always felt responsible for all this.

_____________________________End Of FLASHBOOK_________________________________

Martin:They have Elenor??You didn't tell me.

Samual:They are against you...They won't let me tell you that....

Martin:Now tell me what is up with Zombies and how come only AB-negative people are immune.

Samual:You know about our physics  professor Victor Blaine.The guy who is always obsessed with making contact with the aliens with the help of his device INTERCOLM.Well turns out he successfully make contact with them.He send blood sample information and DNA structure information in outer space.He forgot to send the AB_Negative blood sample.The Evil Aliens received the other blood samples.By using the giving samples they design a plague to wipe out the whole earth. Thereby creating zombies. Aliens want to make their mothership functional it is their only chance to survive.

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