Chapter 07 - Halal way | Leg | Alhamdulillah (Editted)

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Chapter | 07 | Aisha POV

Days go by really quick in my life. Nothing has happened, ever since Mahmood and I chose out the outfits. Ummi says that he is busy with his job, but somehow, I don't feel so. I don't want to control over him, because he's not (yet of) my responsibility to think about. He and his family hasn't contact me for a few days, causing a feeling of worry to flash in my head, wondering if he's somehow planning to cancel our marriage. Naudzubillah..Again, I leave it all behind to Allah. HE knows best. Besides, I never know about his works, so maybe.. Just maybe, it involves travelling out of the city, who knows?

Plus, it's all my request to do these whole marriage process in a halal way, without any of us having a face-to-face contact nor texts, which is why because the marriage is in a week, and I want no fitnah about any of us. So we agreed to not let anyone down, by doing something wrong. He and I agreed to stay at house and pray for the best, because we want the whole process to pass by smoothly, since we want it to be our first and last marriage in our lives.

Days after days, the marriage becomes the first priority in my mind. Each hour, each day is a step towards it and I'm no longer afraid, just a little bit nervous, which Ummi marks my nervousness as,'Typical Snot-nosed Children'. Ummi is hilarious, but sometimes she can be very strict that if she would stare at a thing, it can break due to the heat. Have I just said that about my own mother? Okay, well I did.

Anyhow, sometimes, I begin to worry unexpectedly. Sudden questions like, 'Will he hate my face?', 'What if he doesn't really love me?', 'What if Maya was right?'. Those whole negative questions would never leave my mind, unless until I eat a chocolate and pray. Weird, I know. But that's just because chocolate is the second MUST thing in my life. If you would come inside my room, the first thing you would notice are the posters of new chocolates. HeHe, don't blame me! My whole family is a freak of food, just like me.

"Aisha.. Aisha. You have been sitting there for two whole hours! Stop dreaming oy!"Halimah yells, shaking her head at my odd behaviour.

"Huh?"I have been spacing out a lot, lately, and I know it's not healthy. But what can I say?

"Mahmood is an adult. Trust me, he can take care of himself."She winks flirtatiously, causing me to roll my eyes in disgust.

"Ew, no Halimah. I don't really care about him. Why should I anyways?"I grunt, it's obvious that I lie.

"Because he will be your husband within a week! duh?"She cheers childishly. Excuse my sister, but she's a bit idiotic, so yeah..HeHe

"What about you and Hafidh?"I enquire curiously. She never talks about him anymore.

"Well.. Our marriage will be a month after yours In sha Allah. He still have to finish his university as well."I mouth oh, not really wanting to ask her any further because I'm afraid she will somehow feel bad.

"Is it okay though, to fall slowly for your future husband?"I question her, fatuously. She raises a brow at me, quite amuse to what I have just question her, a while ago. 

"Well.. I guess it's fine. But you don't have to think about him continuously! Remember, you're taking the final exams for graduation. Don't over-think about him."I nod my head at her advise. Halimah is the only one that utterly knows all of my secrets. Although sometimes she is so annoying and selfish! I've never talk to Ummi about my secrets, because she might freak out, if I tell her what I have told Halimah, a few minutes before.

Halimah's phone goes off and she reads it quickly, out loud!

", you and Mahmood are going to see the building's decoration ay?"I palm my face. All of our plans are ruin! I wish I shouldn't go. By then, we can complete our 'halal process'. Ummi!!

"Don't worry. He will be there at five, and you'll be there at six, so you won't meet each other."Praise be to Allah!

"Thanks.. I thought we have to go together, again."I grunt. She roars with laughter, rolling on my bed. I practically jump, expecting to land on her, before I realize I'm going to end up on the bed's board. NO!

"My leg, gosh!"I complain, holding my leg in pain. Instead of helping, like a sister is suppose to do, Halimah laughs frantically, louder than before, causing Ummi and Abi to burst in the room.

"What happened?"Ummi freaks out.

"It's fine uh.. I was just...colliding my leg with the board. HeHe, a new game of pain."I choke. Ummi glares at me sternly, while Abi shakes his head at Ummi and I.

"Geez Ummi. She's fine. Don't worry. You are, right?"Halimah slings her arm around my shoulder.

"Uh yeah..."I reply foolishly, nodding my head while biting the inner lip of mines, to block out any moan of pain.


As quick as I can, I pull the abaya, hijab and niqab on me swiftly, before rushing down the stairs. Apparently, I have slept, back then and wake up after 4 hours later. Thankfully I'm in my monthly cycle, so I don't mind missing out the asr and maghrib prayer. Although, I miss reading the Qur'an, checking out it's translation and praising Allah. Missing a single prayer makes me feel so weak, as a useless human that is better to die off. So I really miss being busy with Salah and Qur'an.

"Come on quickly Aisha!"Yells Ummi, totally glaring at me for being a slow kiddo.

"Yes Ummi..."I lowly say, as I walk towards the door and shut it behind me. I ran quickly to the car and Abi immediately drive away to the Masjid's garden. Since it's a Masjid, we can't decorate it since now. It will be decorated in the morning, a day before the marriage. I hope they won't make a mess in there.

"Here, the catering foods will be placed. There, for the stage for the bride and groom to sit on the throne type chair."The woman tells us briefly.

"Do you need like some type of red carpet for the path for the bride and groom?"Ummi nods. I want to stop her and say no need, but I will listen her plan for this.

"Okay.. What colour?"She asks.

"Frosty white."I reply, before she notes down our requests.

Seeing all of these plans, it seems that it will be so perfect, Alhamdulillah. I just have one hope; I hope Mahmood won't disappoint me and act oppositely to what I hope him to. In Sha Allah, Allah will help us in this -hopefully-ever-lasting-marriage. Ameen.

(Assalamu'alaykum. How are you? Have a nice day, since I don't really know what to say now xD Byee~~ Wassalam..)

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