Chapter 18- Escape

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~Cara’s POV~

I kept screaming so they were forced to put a gag on my mouth, from the conversation I heard they weren’t allowed to put drugs into my bloodstream. I sighed as they tied me to the chair of my doom, it was really hard not to cry, I was about to forget everything.

“Ok I guess it’s time.” The stronger man said, about to push down on the button, but the door was busted open and Rea rushed in.

“John, Carl, one of the guards are fighting the other and they are about to kill Marcus, you need to go now!” She said frantically, both guards rushed out f the room as Rea closed it behind her and locked it. She came over to me and took the gag out.

“Rea, what’s happening?” I said as she took out a knife and cut the ropes on my hands. She grabbed my hand and ripped her hair out of her bun and messed it up. She took off her heels and loosened her skirt.

“You think I’ll forget my best friend?” She said, as the smile grew on my face. “Now let’s get out of here before those guards realize Marcus is just in the bathroom.”  

~Niall’s POV~

We all were on the plane, the sky was getting darker and my eyes were getting heavier.

“Go to sleep, you’re going to need the rest Niall.” Caroline said suddenly, I turned to her she was facing me, Harry was on her other side already sound asleep.  

“I can’t just sleep, what if I have a nightmare, what if the plane crashes what if-“

“You wouldn’t be where you are if you keep saying ‘what if’ Niall. You wouldn’t be THE Niall Horan if you went through the what ifs before X-Factor, you wouldn’t have met Cara either. Heck, she wouldn’t even be your girlfriend if you said ‘what if’ before you asked her out.” Caroline said, I stared at her, realizing the nervousness was taking over my body, if I wanted to be there for Cara being a sleepy mess won’t help.

“Fine.” I agreed, she smiled and snuggled into her blanket, leaning on to Harry’s shoulder as he put his head on top of hers. They would make a cute couple if Harry would lay off Cara, I gave up and closed my eyes, dreaming a nightmare.

~Cara’s POV~

“What about Dan?” I asked Rea as she led the way to the exit. We were almost to the exit.

“We have to go back.” Rea said, we didn’t fight it knowing our best friend was tied up in the house. It will be hard knowing he is in Marcus’s office room, which is surrounded with guards.

“But how will we get him. Did you forget his location?” I said, as we slipped out from the house that held our best friend. Well we might as well plan before we go back in, because that would be a huge risk.

“I have an idea but we would need more people for it.” Rea said, I was curious but what was the plan?

“Where are we going to find more peo-“

“Cara?” I turned around and saw Caroline, near the entrance of the door with the other boys, all their heads moved towards us as I motion for them to be quiet and walk over.  Niall ran into me and engulfed me in a hug and kissed my lips. Everyone was exited and happy until…

“Rea?” Harry said in disbelief, everyone gasped looking at the dead girl who was somehow alive.

“Long story, tell you later but we need your help to get Dan out of the death trap.”  I said motioning to the house. Rea shook her head and looked at the house again.

“Guys we need to get out of the area before the guards come looking for us.” She said, we all agreed and ran into the forest near by.

“Now tell us why this house was considered a death trap.” Liam said as we said in the middle of the forest.

“Ok, guess I should tell you.” I said, I licked my lips and started to explain. “Well basically Rea is alive because Dan has some fucked up twin who decided to fake Rea’s death. The fucked up twin is Marcus, so they black mailed me with something...” I drifted off, looking at Harry, he smiled a bit and Niall looked mad.

“Cara I know what you two did.” Niall said, I gaped at him as he continued. “He told me, and now’s not the time to talk about it.” I nodded agreeing as I continued the story.

“Well Marcus is involved with brainwashing and making people forget things so he can make them his workers. So he wanted Rea and I to be the first people to be brainwashed, well not really but he wanted to brain wash us to get revenge on Dan for some fucked up shit, of “not being chosen and left behind” I said with an eye roll.

“Well while I was about to brain washed Rea got me the guards to leave while she got me out, plus that bitch Courtney is here. Whore.” I said, snapping my fingers, they all looked at each other before laughing.

“That was the funniest explanation ever.” Caroline said as Rea shushed them.

“We have to get Dan back, Marcus is planning on killing him, painfully may I add.” Rea said, I didn’t know that but it made my stomach turn.

“How do we do that?” Louis asked, I looked at Rea.

“Well,  your not going to like it at all.” Rea said, fiddling with her fingers. 


Sorry for not updating. First off I would like to say sorry to @Care_1D_1214 and Angel717. Sorry I haven't been talking to you lately and I'm going to try to talk more often. Please forgive me! 

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