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Once the bomb exploded, all left there was ash. Somehow when investigators went to the sight, Cara’s remains weren’t found. It was later discovered that she wasn’t dead and crawled out of the sight where her remains were found. She got a proper funeral, and Niall went to visit her grave everyday, but when he went on tour he hired someone to leave a flower on her grave everyday. He even got her signature tattooed on his wrist; he planned on keeping it as the only tattoo he ever gets.

 In later years, he got married to someone new, she reminded Niall of Cara, her name was Tara. Their names were similar, Tara and Niall had 3 kids, the eldest daughter was named Cara.  Even though Tara and Niall got married, he always visits her grave. Tara is by his side as well, she never felt jealous of this girl but she would leave flowers when Niall left on tour, or when Niall didn’t visit her. She felt connected to Cara somehow…huh? She swore to Niall she saw Cara in her dreams and heard her talking when she visited her grave. They both just waved it off, maybe it was just their imagination.

Dan was admitted to the hospital once they got back, he slipped into a short coma, that lasted three months. Once he woke up he was determined to live his days like his last, and each day was dedicated to his best friend, who lost her life to save his. He lives his life like Cara would want him to.

Rea watched over Dan everyday, hoping Cara’s sacrifice wasn't for nothing. If Dan died, Rea would too. Once he woke up and told Rea about his crazy plans of adventure, Rea joined him and they both based on their knowledge of their best friend, made a bucket list. Cara’s bucket list, both of them fell in love on their adventures and got married. Once their list was done they settled down and had one kid. Elizabeth, or Liz.  They still plan on extending their list when Liz is 18, they could bring her along.

Caroline was traumatized from the experience, and moved to Australia to start a new life. There she met Alex, and they both fell in love. She never contacted the One Direction boy or Dan or Rea. But after having her first child, Max, she contacted Harry and from there she rekindled with everyone. She’s having her second child and invited everyone to attend her baby shower.

Harry had never cried so much in his life,, he always remembered her. He has a picture of her in her wallet, his wife Ashley doesn’t mind though. Harry and Ashley met at his sister’s Gemma’s wedding. Ashley was the cousin of one of Gemma’s friends. They immediately clicked and two years later they got married.  They have two kids and one on the way.

Louis and Zayn got married as well, the big shock was that Louis actually got married to Angel, the women who helped them escape the building. Zayn and Perrie resumed their marriage. Louis and Zayn donated 500,00 dollars each in Cara’s name to help children in need, and paid an extra 20,000 dollars to give them all a jar of nutella, Cara would appreciate that.

All the one direction boys, Rea, Dan, and Caroline had a gold sign made with their money, one for everyone of them. The sign said, ‘Sup My Niggas –Cara Jansen’ they all hung it up in their houses as a memory of Cara. The night it was put up, everyone said that their houses felt cold and blissful, all their stress went away, Niall’s eldest daughter even claimed to have heard a giggle in their house. Everyone thought nothing of it, but the kids made up rumors that Aunty Cara was looking down at them. The adults started to believe it as well, even though they would never admit it out loud. Maybe she was looking over them. 



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