Chapter 8

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"i don't want to be your friend, i want to kiss your neck" -falling for you

Josh POV

Today is my birthday. Its very exciting I am going to be 18, my mom is throwing me a party its the last thing I want but it makes her happy. Its not the party I want, you know with beer and fun games like beer pong, its more of a call my friends over have some music and food while my parents mind their own business. The best thing though is that there is a possibility Jennifer might be coming.

I am walking out of my house as usual I see Jennifer walking out of hers. I haven't talked to her since that day in the closet when I talked to her about cutting, but today is different. I decide to approach her and ask her if she is planning on coming to my party.

"Hey Jennifer" I say when I reach her, she turns around to look at me

"Uh...hi" she replies sheepishly

"I just wanted to know if you were coming to my party tonight?"

" know me, I am not into partying and stuff" she replies

"Oh no, its not like that its my birthday party" I inform her, she gives me a look that says 'Birthday party? What are you 5?' so I quickly jump in to make it clear " mom wanted to throw me one"

"Oh...well I wasn't invited" she blushes

"Really? My mom said that she told your mom about it"

"My mom didn't tell me anything" Jen replies

"Oh...that's ok maybe she forgot, but now that you know are you going to come?" I ask, hopefully she will say yes

"Uh...I don't know your friends will be there and I don't feel comfortable around them"

"Oh...well I will be there nothing will happen to you" I try to convince her

"I'll...i'lll uh see, if I can make it" she says

"Alright" I sigh, defeated. I turn around to walk back to my car but she stops me

"Josh?" I turn around


"Happy Birthday" she smiles, which makes me smile too

"Thank you" I smile then turn around walking back home

I drive to school meeting my friends when I exit my car.

"Hey! Its the birthday boy!" Sam yells, in the parking lot everyone stops and just stares at us

"Lets sing for the birthday boy, shall we?" Liam yells

"Oh no guys-" I start but they cut me off by singing

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you! YAAAAY" literally everyone in the parking lot cheers

"Thanks guys" I tell everyone

Everyone disperses and I am left chit chatting with my friends, just then a car pulls up, Jen's car. She gets out of the car and starts walking towards the school doors. Oh shit.

"Hey!" Jena yells from beside me, making Jen turn around and her eyes widen. Jena walks over to her with Liam and Sam in tow.

I can't hear them talking so I walk closer to them also making sure they don't do something bad to Jen.

"Aren't you going to wish Josh on his birthday?" Jena smirks

"Uh...I" Jen stutters

"You what?" Liam asks

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