Chapter 34

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"i wanna see you undo it" -undo

Josh POV

We are back in California! Jen and I got back from Hawaii 3 days ago, but summer doesn't end there. We have about another month and a half of summer left before we have to go to college.

Once we got back from Hawaii our parents laughed at us for falling into the little prank they played on us before we went to Hawaii.

Jen's family has organized a 4th of July party for almost everyone on the block which is going really great.

We are now having a water gun fight with everyone. Jen and I are of course NOT on the same team.

"You're goin' down, Lawrence" I smirk, i'm in a team with my brother.

"Don't act so cocky, Hutch" she rebutted, laughing.

The water gun fight starts, all of us get 10 seconds to run anywhere in their huge backyard.

"AND BEGIN!" Someone yells, everyone rushes around and shoots anyone that crosses their path.

I try to find Jen, but I know she's hiding somewhere. I dodge everyone who tries to get me out, until I feel a cold spray of water on my back.

"Looking for someone?" I hear a voice say, I turn around to see Jennifer.

She has her hand on her hip, and a large smirk on her face. Her clothes are bone dry.

"Told you not to act so cocky" she smirks, then walks over to me.

"Damn you" I say, but slowly wrap my arms around her waist.

"Sorry Hutch, looks like you're out" she says, smirking.

I can't take it anymore, and kiss her until water sprays on my hair.

"Whoops!" Jen laughs, and runs away.

I finally get her, after running after her for a long time, and spray her with all the water left in my gun. Turns out Jen was the last person to get hit with water, so she won.

"Great job, sweetheart" I say, and high five her.

That soon ends, and everyone has food. In the evening, we set up fireworks and watch them paint the sky. It was really a lovely night!


I don't think we will be going anywhere out of California, so I decided to take Jen on a date today. I'm taking her for a night "under the stars".

I call Jennifer as soon as I make the plan.

"Hey, babe" I say into the phone, after she picks up.

"Hey, Joshy" Jennifer says, in her sweet voice.

"So, I have a plan for us and I think you will love it" I smirk to myself.

"Really? What is it?" Jen squeals on the other end.

"I'm not telling you now" I reply, "I just wanted to ask if you still have that kiddy pool from the barbecue?"

"Yeah, I do. Why though?"

"Just bring it out and dress in something comfortable" I instruct.

"Oh-" Jen starts, but I cut her off.

Bully Me. Love Me. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora