Chapter 22

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"and i can't believe that we're talking about him" -M.O.N.E.Y

Josh POV

There is no school today, since there was a lot of rain yesterday. So Jen and I are spending the day together, obviously. It's really early in the morning. We are at the park, the weather is amazing. I am shooting some hoops, by myself, while Jen does her homework.

"Come on Jen, shoot some hoops with me..." I beg, making another basket.

"Joshy, I already told you. I have a lot of history homework" she sighs, writing in her book. "I think you should be doing it too"

"Nah, I will make some excuse" I shrug, and she laughs.

Ever since our first fight, a few days ago, we have been more open with each other. We understand each other better. And I love it.

"Joshua will be the death of me" Jen smirks, looking at me through her eyelashes.

"So I take it that you like my sweaty state?" I smirk, dribbling the ball.

"Oh I love it. It's so sexy" she replies, smirking mischievously.

"I am well aware" I smirk back, "Please play with me"

"I don't know how to shoot well" she sighs

"I can teach you" I smile, "Come here"

Jennifer walks over to me, and I stand in front of the basket. I make Jen stand in front of me with our hands on the ball.

"Okay, so your hands should be here" I whisper, in her ear. "Then, the ball should be up here before you shoot"

"Okay" Jen whispers, I kiss her neck smiling on her skin.

"Then let go" I whisper, she does and makes the basket.

"Yay" Jennifer turns around and hugs me.

"Good job, baby" I say

"Thanks" she kisses me, passionately and deeply.

"So Lawrence, you up for a real game now?" I ask

"As I said before, no. I have homework"

"Okay, I get it. You don't want to lose" I shrug, knowing this will get something out of her. My girlfriend is a very shy yet competitive girl.

"Lose?" Jennifer's head peeks up. "Did you just say lose?"

"Yeah, and I completely get it" I shrug

"Oh you did not just say that, losing my ass" she snaps, leaving me shocked because she doesn't say words like "ass" a lot.

She snatches the ball from my hand and starts dribbling it.

"Okay, now we're talking..." I laugh, "Lets make this interesting"

"How so?" she questions

"Loser does winner's history homework" I smirk, putting my hand out for her to shake.

"Deal" Jennifer shakes my hand.

We start playing, she starts dribbling the ball and I try to get it from her. She dodges me and makes her way to the basket. I run in front of her and take the ball from her, then shoot it in the basket. 

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