Mysterious tracks

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Last day of January, 1990

Patrick Rourke got up for incoming witnesses of another two murders in his county. Yeah, this young detective was risen to chef inspector. After days there were no tracks of murderer. The case was ready to be buried. But then, at last day of January, someone knocked on door to office. A witness of crime. "I saw only his eyes. Freezing blue eyes and his glowing smile. I wasn't scared. He just waved me and then... he was gone." 

"OK. I will show you some photos, could you pick a one maybe." he said and turned to shelf for mugshots of criminals, when she screamed. He quickly turned to her and asked her carefully: "What's happened?" "These...these eyes I saw!" Policeman turned around with confusion. Then he saw a photo of murdered inspector. "That can't be. He was an honest man with a sense of justice. And actually, he died at the start of month. You definitely can't see him at crime scene, ma'am." The strange woman yelled at him: "I am not mad! I told you, what I saw! If you don't believe me, I will go to someone, who will listen to me!" Policeman yawned nearly and then he turned to his desk. A framed photo was on it. He took it from place and turned to her. "If you do that, that will be end of this investigation and end for hoping little girl, that lost her father. This is your decision, of course." She calmed down immediately. "He had a child? I don't know, who is this man, but I am absolutely sure, it was him. These eyes... I cannot forget them." Patrick looked at photo of his dead colleague. "Do you know a man named Ned?" Her face changed an expression. "No, no, I do-don't know him." Patrick looked in her eyes. "Listen! You can help me make end to this long-lasting investigation. I saw my colleague, my friend, dying and I cannot help him! Do not tell me, that you do not know that man!" The woman rolled her eyes. "Don't be drama queen, mr. Rourke." Man started to walking around her, trying to broke her. About two minutes she said: "Fine! I will tell you that. He is an executor of National Tax Office. He had some trouble with a city judge. But he was cleared from accusations and came back to NTO. That is all, what I know." He frowned at her. "Hey! I'm telling you truth, really." Policeman quietly took a blank piece of paper and placed it in front of her. "Here! You will write there your witness. And when you came here again, I have to arrest you for false witness. You understand?" She nodded and took a pen.

"I do not know his last name. I was informed that he appeared at crime scene. Maybe he saw something important." The secretary looked at him furiously and returned to searching for a name. Finally, she said: "You are right. We have a employer with name Ned, actually Ned did not show in work today." Young inspector looked at her with raised eyebrows.  "Is he there, I am right?" She shook her head. But too quickly to be a true. He jumped through a railings and ignored noises, which he started with his jump. Then he yelled: "Where is Ned?! Where is he hiding?!" Someone started to run immediately after this, so he decided to catch him. As soon as possible. Because the running man was his only chance to have a tracks, which disappeared by time. "STOP RUNNING! IN NAME OF JUSTICE! STOP!" he yelled, barely breathing. The man stopped in half of way. "Slowly turn face to me and no move! You are arrested!" When man turned to him, policeman stepped back: "Inspector?!" he asked with shock. "No, I am not inspector. I think you are!" A man said with smile. But young policeman only raised his eyebrows. "Fine, I will tell you everything, but not there! Lot of cameras."

Two men stepped into the office nearby them. When they locked a door, stranger said: "I am not inspector. My name is Ned Chort. And I am brother of murdered man. A twin, as you found out. But I did not kill him, so do not blame me with it! I am innocent. Now leave me alone." Patrick Rourke looked at man with confusion. "What?! Did you not understand me? I had no contacts with my foolish brother. I do not except some condolences, but this?! You have humiliated and embarrassed me in front of my colleagues. And I do not heard any sorry." Patrick turned red. "No apologies to you, mr. Chort. No, because of Tanya! She is now totally alone. And you without any problems, show yourself into job, like nothing was happened. But for her..." Ned Chort laughed. "Do not burst to tears, honeymoon, she will be OK. And, my brother do not told her about me. No one told her about me. What will she do, when she saw me?" Patrick raised his eyebrows again. "She is your niece. And she need help. Your help. You're her only hope for a normal life." Ned Chort laughed again, but this time his expression changed. "No family, that you know, has these problems. Tanya, or what her name is, is very lucky of his death. He was not good father, not good brother and absolutely foolish husband. This is the reason of his wife's escape." Policeman looked at him with tears on corner of his eyes. "She is ten. Nobody wants her. And if I could, I would have adopted her." Man in a well-fitting black suit stood up from the chair, where he sat, and said: "Dear inspector. I see you really love this girl. I appreciate your interest, but this is not my problem. And about your accusation, I was not in the scene of crime. Yeah, I knew these murdered men. All of them. Because they owed money. Lot of money. And I am executor! This is reason that saw me there. You understand me, finally?" Patrick Rourke turned face away from him and said: "By law I presents, I tell you that you're under arrest from suspicion of a  brutal murder. You have the right to remain silent and anything you say will be used against you. So I recommended you to shut up!" Then he called to headquarter for a fingerprint expert. Until he arrived, they sat on chairs and quietly waiting. 

"Welcome here, Thomas. I need all fingerprints from this office and from this man. And this is top priority. I know, you are working on Gibralthar experiment, but this is top right now." Thomas Braid nodded his head. He knew that young chef inspector still worked on murders with no murderer. "Yes, sir." Then Patrick and Ned stood up and stepped out from building.

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