Blue-eyed deamon

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Maddox Trip turned to  jury of the National court of human rights and said: "My client is innocent from murders, that happened two months ago. She is responsible only for abusing a young boy, not brutal murders. Without doubt there is a problem on police department side. If you don't know, main investigator of these cases was connected to my client in very sexual..." Judge stopped him, when dissenting murmur filled the room. "This is not important for your defense of her. They both are adults and there is no order in this country, which would prevent workplace relationships. And in addiction, there's no reason to question judgment of Patrick Rourke. He was very professional in his job. He proved that this lady was implicated in murders, and if YOU don't know, she ceased cooperation with us. So there are no mitigating circumstances, that should help her out of this. If she is murderer, or not, for this time she was accused to all of the points of accusation. So give me a proof of her innocence, I mean material... or tooth... and I will listen to you." Maddox mumbled something to his client and she stood up. "You want put me to jail to end of my life. Just because I made one little boy happier and I made a man out of him. He should be thankful, not accuse me of rape!" Her statement evoked explosion of emotions on side of witnesses and parents of murdered. "Silence in court! You will be excluded from the trial if  immediately you not settle down!" The judge banging the hammer on the table as he tried to calm the angry audience. After seven minutes of angry calling: "Electric chair! Shot her!", they finally calmed down and court can continue.

"My name is Patrick Rourke. I am guardian of Tanya Chort and I am here instead of her, because she wanted to know a truth. I didn't allowed her to come here, but I promised her to found that and told her." Young man with obviously red and swollen eyes came in front of microphone, ready to be questioned before the National court of human rights. Maddox stood up from his chair and asked him: "Are you aware that your sexual partner and my client are one and the same person? Are you aware that you have accused her for serial murders?" Patrick simply nodded his head. "There is no revenge for a poor sexual satisfaction, if you meant that. There were some evidence, that clearly points at your client, mr. Trip. I am aware what you think, but my personal and work state are not subject of this trial, if I am right." Small laugh escaped from judge's mouth, but he quickly masked it with cough. "Ehm... can you change a question to be more accurate?" Man rolled his eyes, but said: "Fine... where are these evidence?" Patrick waved to the corner of the room. "Here, my colleague brought them. At very first, there is a tooth, which was found in the dirty bomb..." Maddox looked at evidence bag and shook his head. "How you found that it was her work?" Patrick sent a little smile to Emily and said: "We talked after the sex about it. About a way how these bombs working, and then I found, quite accidentally, that she worked for a extremist group with suspicion on bomb making. So she probably aware of all procedures." He explained and when advocate wanted to ask him something, he was interrupted by Emily. "You will never found a truth. As I said to you that day you arrested me, when I saw your boner, oh come on, you will obey me to tell it." Advocate looked at her tensly as she sat down to chair. "Little awkward, my dear Emily, doesn't think? Of course I was melted with your hands on my... you know... but that's nothing changed to my opinion of you. You are the blue-eyed deamon. Who killed and destroyed lot of lives. You should be in jail for the end of your life. Because nothing will be better treatment for you as live with a knowledge of everything you had done to this world."

The jury stopped with examining their writings, when they heard his statement. He cried in front of those people. "You... you broke my heart. You broke a heart of her. You changed her life forever, you killed the people whom she loved. And I can't... can't look at you anymore. You will live with yourself for a long time. Longer that I will be alive." Emily looked at him with surprise. "What are you talking about? I am not the murderer! Why you want to put me to grave of the loneliness until you know, what I did?" Maddox tried to stop her, but she bursted into the tears. "You are nothing more than bastard! Why you didn't accuse Ned Chort for a murder? Because you think you know him? You failed! This son of bitch will be freed and me?! I will be treated for his mad plan of revenge? Because he was falsely accused from not helping, until the emergency came? He had to hide from Tanya's view, because he was not allowed to be in their apartment! And when he found that his brother was dead..." she stopped crying, when she considered that she told him, what he want to know. He smiled on her slowly. "Good girl, now bring the justice to this case. And of course, you should help us with a third member of your fancy group." Everybody shook their head with confusion. "What?" Maddox asked finally. "When Ned Chort killed the manager, who killed his brother, if he convinced me for being innocent. And you said me you was not in his apartment, because you had a one night-stand. You remember that. So who's that stranger and why you didn't want to tell us his name." 

Emily shook his head. "Just put me into the jail. I will not tell you that. Never!" Patrick left his place in front of people and came closer to Emily. "Tell me! You had no other choice! This is the end of all. For you and Ned. And who will join you? Now, tell me!" Maddox wanted to protest, but judge shook his head. Inspector Rourke was right, they are close to end this strange case. "I will tell you... please, return back to your place, you hurt me." Patrick shook his head. "I'm not going anywhere, speak!" he ordered her roughly as he squeezed her hand. "Believe me, I wanted to stop him. But he was like mad." "His name!" shouted on her inpatiently. She bursted into tears as she whispered: "It was Lucas Bristle. You know him as letter messenger." Patrick left her, obviously shocked with the news. Then he turned to people in this court and stated: "Put this man to jail. I'm done now. As I stood here, I promise, I will never returned to this job. Never, thank you for all your interest, but I'm done. This case showed me, how wrong I was. I fell myself to opinion that I am God. But I am not, so I need to stop before I hurt someone else." With these words he left obviously quiet room.

As he walked out from the building, he rose his head to the sun. His eyes, filled with the tears, blinked in beauty which they saw and when he turned, he met them. Those beautiful intense blue eyes. And greeted them with smile on his face.

Shot. Crying. Blood. And downing sun darkening the streets with sad cold shadows. Emergency sirens. Crying. And lightnings. In hand of wounded policeman was shrudded a paper with words: "I found a truth for you. With whole my love... Patrick Rourke."

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