Messages from nowhere

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** Dat one pic is from my fave game on laptop.**

"Good morning, sweetie." Patrick Rourke opened his eyes and freaked. Emily sat on his bed and smiled on him. "What? Didn't you leave me yesterday?" he asked. Then he realized that he is naked. "W-what happend?! I can't remember anything." Emily laughed and said: "Nothing terrible, sweetie. You told me that was good enough. And no, we had not a sex. But something far more intense. You slept on my shoulder like a baby. It was so nice. Then you woke up and go to shower. Of course, I stopped you, because you are still wounded, so you was angry and I had no chance to keep you in bed, of course, we kissed then. But that was pretty nice from you." Patrick looked at her in surprise: "What are you talking about? I just gave you a kiss, or not?" Emily's smile disappeared. "You really don't remember that?! You kissed me and said, that you want to hurt me, so we had to stop. Then you asked me to be with you for next hours, until you wake up." "Sounds like me, I am sorry." he said. "Soo... you saw... ehm... everything?" She laughed hard and slapped his face carefully. "Of course, mister Everything. You just stripped in front of me. So you expected I will turn my head off? It was pretty good show. But, back to work. We need to catch that murderer, before he attacks again..."

Autopsy room was plunged into silence, when Emily pushed a handle up and lights on the ceiling started to flicker. About two minutes finally lighted fully and she can started her work. The last murder. Young man, that nobody knew him. She looked on identification card and read his name. Julian Drake. He was 26-years old and worked in police office for two months. He was quiet and nobody registered his presence, or even his missing. If the landlady did not report his disappearance, they will not started to search him. She looked at his brutally damaged head and smiled. "Let me see, what you hiding in your potato head." When young coronary wanted to start with body examination, someone walked to autopsy room. "Hello, mrs. Donnel. I have another body for you." She turned to man in orange tracksuit. "Who the hell are you?! And what are you doing here?!" He stepped back and then said with raised hands: "Lady, calm down, I am George Aspen, your new assistant. I was hired by Julian Chort, but until today I was out of the country." She blinked on him and then she said: "And you know, what's happend to him?" He nodded and pointed on one of freezers in room. "Well, change your clothes and help me there. I am starting autopsy of this murdered man. Oh, and what about the second body?" She asked and then looked at movable bed. "Yeah, this. Fresh meat to examination. I bet it was pretty hard car crash for him. Lucky man, he died in place. No pain, no fear. Just quick end." She looked at him horiffied. He told that without emotions. Just quick facts and stone face. "What are you waiting for? I need your help, so move your ass to work! I am not here for empty talking." Man smiled at her and slowly moved to changing room. She rolled her eyes and finally turned to murdered man. "So, honey, we will need some information about you. Are you ready?" Talked to him and took a first tool. It looked like small scalpel. But she was interrupted again. The doors opened and shut with angry. "What's happend?" She moved her hand from tool and asked an incoming what's wrong. "This happend! Another murdered man with hand of this maniac, that attacked me." She twisted her head quickly. Patrick frowned on two dead bodies. "And this media boom! They buried me into the ground, I cannot finish one question! I was accused from doing nothing to help our citizens to feel safe. And they are right! I am such incapable dick." "That's not true, and you know that. But for these reasons we have department of public relations." He nodded his head. "Yeah, but Noah was absolutely in rage because of problems in his hometown, so I cannot told him to help me. He need a time to push these things away." She smiled little and hugged him. "You are absolutely capable. Not only for kissing and stripping in front of me, my dear chief inspector." He turned red and quietly passed her cheek. "Nice explanation." And wanted to kiss her, when someone cleared his throat behind them. "Oh, Patrick. This is my new assistant, George Aspen." She said with blushing cheeks. The both of men looked and shook their hands respectively. "Nice to meet you, chief inspector." Awkward silence changed to nervous smiles. "Well, mrs. Donnel, mr. Aspen, I will not bother you again. When you will have some news, just... you know!" and quickly walked away. "Why are you grinning? Something funny for you? Two deaths, so start with this one." She pointed on young officer and he followed her. After base autopsy they continued, without words, with special diagnostic. She considered that stranger is really good in his job and he is absolutely calm. No shaking hands, no stupid jokes about his awful smell. He was perfect ready to work, no matter what they do. "Uhm, will you continue, or just staring on me like a madman?" She shook her head and then she yelled: "I have something! Here, in his neck!" She asked him for tweezers and started to pulling that thing from him. Finally she made a move and said: "Call a chef inspector Rourke, and tell him, we got a track." He frowned at her, but then throw protection gloves to bin and moved to phone. "Yeah, came down for results. Mrs. Donnel found something, that you probably need to investigation." Soon after he hang up the phone, Patrick looked at them: "So?" 

She gazed at him surprisingly, but then put a ball of thing on table nearby him and said: "This is probably paper, stucked in his mouth. You should be careful with that." He nodded and with pair of protection gloves on his hands, started slowly to opening that wet piece of paper. Actually, he shook like the leaf in wind, but tried to didn't think about it. Finally they considered, that is the message: 

In your mind

there are...... blue eyes.In your eyesthere is a fearand death...Don't cry,don't lose yourself.Don't cry,no one will listen toyour scream.There is only meand eyes.

Patrick stepped back from the paper and looked at coronary with deathly fear. "He-he knows it. He knows I am on his track! Something... I had to make something, that put him into this game." She tried to calm him, but then she considered he was right. Maybe... "I have to inform my bosses about this. We should put this bastard to cage as soon as possible." After these words George Aspen frozed to place. What are they talking about? 

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