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Patrick sat on his chair and remembered all of the words in this freaky message. Emily found that in both throats of murdered men. All same. From word to word. This will be my turn. I am his next victim. When he finally found that someone looking at him, quickly returned to himself and asked: "Why are you here? I bet you have some work down there." He pointed to ground. "Well, I have an idea about that murderer." Patrick stood up and looked at young assistant of coronary surprisingly. "Really? So, sit down and tell me." A man sat, but Patrick still stood. "OK, so I think this is verse from gothic poetry. In city like this are more than 67 groups of maniacs, which are making a jokes from authorities." The policeman frowned at him. "You are wrong as much as you can be! This can not be considered funny. Four people were murdered, end of all fun. I know what you talking about, we monitoring them all the time. Except one, that still running from our caption. But these groups, what you talking about, writing manifests, making a protests about unfair orders for teenagers, but no one should make something like this. Not this way. Don't blame me. If you know something important, well, tell me. When you are here to upset me, go back to work!" George Aspen was shocked. He cleared his throat and said: "Uh, If you mean I am bothering you, I will go." Patrick showed him a door. When young man walked out from office, he took a glass from table and threw it across the room. He looked at the mess, heavily breathing, and started with cleaning.

Emily found him bent over garbage basket. "Everything's good?" He stood up and said: "Yeah, I am fine. Absolutely fine. Why you ask me?" She came closer to him. "Because you are shaking like snake in sound of the flute. And you just broke your favourite glass. So I bet, I am in right to ask you that." He nodded slowly and left a head on her shoulder. "Well, we need to move to your apartment. There is no place for these moments. We are both in work." she smiled on him and carefully pushed him from herself. He growled, but made a move back. "You found something, what you want to show me?" She nodded. "I- I just want to show you that. This tooth from a bomb, that destroyed your car, carries the DNA of Julian Chort. I- I am sorry." He frozed to place. "You- you think someone pull out all of his teeth and made a dirty bomb from it?! What a sick creature can do that?!" She shook her head, that case became more dangerous that she ever realized. And darker by every single track they found. "I know this is stupid question now, but can we go to dinner tonight? After work hours?" He looked at her suprisingly. "I thought you have a boyfriend... but if you don't want to tell me... I am OK with that. And I don't think this is stupid question. Just because there is running some madman, we can't go to dinner? Nah..." He smiled on her carefully. She frozed to place. "Boyfriend? Not really. Just some one-night stand." Awkward silence was interrupted by incoming witness of the last murder. "So... let us see after that." He said to coronary, before she left an office. "Oh, young inspector, I apologize for interrupting your nice conversation with this lady." He turned red lightly, but then he shook his head: "I am fine with that. We... doesn't matter, actually. What can you tell me about that night, when it happened. Take your time, I will write down all words on this paper."

"When I went to take out a trash, because my husband never helped me with them, I saw something..." Her voice was shaky and she freaked out nearly, while remembering... "OK, you are safe here. Feel free to talk." he told her and stroked her hand carefully. She smiled on him and then continued with clearly fear in her eyes: "... like flickering of lights in front of me. I can not see his face, I am absolutely sure it was a man, but I see them. Scary intensive eyes." Patrick wrote down her witness and thanked her for help. Before she left him, said with innocent voice: "I bet you are the most attractive inspector I ever met." He turned red and sat to chair with a pen. Then he started to underline some parts of witness. They doesn't make sense to him. Like she turned to neighbour's parking place and saw flickering. And then she saw clearly a man's eyes, but not saw him. She said he was vaguely, as if looking at him through a wrong spectacles. But he considered she had not a spectacles, when she looked at him. Then looked at her name: Samantha Paxley. He missed it? Paxley. Paxley. Where that name had already seen? He started looking around papers on the office desk and finally found the file, that he was looking for. It was name on it: Richard Paxley vs. Michigan lake society, August 1988.

He remembered that case. It was last attempt to close dangerous factory with chemicals, that were discharged into lake Michigan for long eight years. Two years ago, Richard Paxley was student of University of Michigan. He was in senior class, when he made a study about this chemical factory. He started to communicate with the authorities and, ultimately, with the factory owner. And this was a problem. Someone started to threaten boy's family with lot of messages, broken windows, and graffiti on his father'car. But he refused police protection and after few days he was asassinated. They never found the assasin, or someone who give him this job. But everyone talking about it as an attempt to hide a responsibility of the factory. And quietly, everyone agreed. But, as it comes, case had been marked as unsolved and put to archive. Of course, sometimes these cases coming to light again, for new tracks. Patrick Rourke had a feeling these cases are entangled with each other. And with a death of Julian Chort too. He looked at the photo of him and said loud: "I am coming to end of this case. I will solve it for you. And Tanya." Then he stood up and walked in front of window.

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