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It was little after a midnight, when chief inspector left his office. He locked his door and waved to new receptionist. He was named John and he was so nice on the people, so they adore him. "Good night, inspector." he said and smiled on him. Patrick returned him a smile and continued to garage. His new car still needs some work on it, but for short trips to home it was perfect. After some minutes on nearly empty roads, he finally arrived home. Before he turned off an engine, he looked at his apartment's window. The man sighed with a relief. Everything looks good, so he entered the apartment block. Quickly looked at the mail box and he sighed again. Yellow piece of paper dropped from opened box. He took him and started to read. He had to pay a fine for the payment of electricity bill. Of course, he had no time to stupid bills. And he was single, so no electricity for a few days was not that problem for him. But now he had a visit. So he quickly ran up the stairs to his apartment and when he unlocked a door, something punched him into the face. He blinked slowly and yelled: "What the hell is that? A frying pan, really?!" Emily stared at him innocently and tried to not laugh. "Why you are hitting my face?! Why not a stomach? It will hurt me less." He spit his words on her, filled with anger and some tones of sarcasm too. "I-I am sorry. But something just happend. The lights went off and we did not know, what's wrong. Tanya was scared as hell, so I send her to your room. I bet she hide herself under the bed." "Lights were turned off because my stupidity. I forgot to pay my bills for electricity. It laid on my round table for few weeks. Damn thing. Give me some painkillers and go to bed. I need to talk with a girl, if you should bring her there." His voice was cold and strained. "Ok, I will be back soon." She answered quietly, but he doesn't recognize that she was angry on him. "Hey, hun, Patrick wants to talk with you. Everything is okay." A man heard her. Before she came to room, he touched his face. He will have a bruise tomorrow. "Hi there, honey. Come here." He waved on small silhouette in the door. She slowly came to him and sat on the couch. "I'm sorry to scaring you like this. It was my fault, I didn't pay my bills." She nodded quietly. "You know, what I want to know, right?" She nodded her head again and whined: "Please, I just want to go home. I will remember everything." Patrick thought about it before, but he was afraid of her reaction. But now... "OK, let's go. Or you want to sleep?" He did not see his face, but he was confident she cried. "I would like to sleep now, but..." He smiled on her. "That's good. I have no clothes for a kids, but I am sure my neighbour should have some. Follow me."

She followed a man through a hall to the next door. He knocked on them lightly. After a while she heard a whining and then door opened: "Oh, my dear. What's happend to you?" Old lady stared at them confused. "Lot of talking, but this kiddo needs some PJ's. Have you some?" asked her a policeman. "Yeah, I bet. But come in, there's no reason to stay here. So you are welcome." Tanya walked in and sat on chair in living room. There was warm athmosphere, full of love and kindness. This calmed her down. "Do you want some chocolate? I have some pretty warm in my mug." She heard a calm voice of this lady. She nodded her head slowly and lady smiled on her. "Well, here you are. And tell me something. Is he nice on you?" Tanya looked at Patrick and said. "Mostly of time he is nice on me, but you know, he is not my dad. And he is little unproficient for parental matters. But he tries to keep me safe, so..." Her eyes were filled with tears. "That's OK, hun. I am not angry on you. Now, we find some PJ's and you can go to bed." he caressed her cheek, when neighbour brought them some small nightdresses. "Try it, I will be back as soon as possible." She nodded quietly and he left them. He crossed a corridor and returned to quiet and dark apartment. "Emily, I am sorry for that." She sighed, when he sat down on the bed. "No, I'm fine, really." In the darkness he touched her torso and said: "I didn't want to hurt you. You know that, right? You are not only my one nightstand. I owe you my life."

"Shut up and kiss me." she ordered and then muttered from the embarassement. "Well, but soon I should return for a Tanya." he laughed and caressed her cheek with his thumb. After he put girl to the sleep, they both came to living room for some cuddling. "Did you know a truth?" she asked, when he grumbled tiredly to her back. No answer. "Hey, Sleeping Beauty, I asked you something, don't you think you could answer me?" He grumbled again and grabbed her hips. "No." he said and Emily didn't considered, what is he talking about. "I-I just want to know, if I am in the danger." He sighed and pulled her from himself. "No. Shut up and **** me!" "Are you drunk? Or something?" she asked angrily, as she put his hand on her panties. "No?" he asked confused, what's wrong with her.

"Hell, why is there so much dark? I mean, why these stupid outdoor lamps have no power, they didn't pay their bills too?" she growled. He laughed. "Go sleep. We are not allowed to see anything, so just close your eyes." "You are so cold, are you okay?" she asked immediately after he touched her naked shoulder. "Im good." She furrowed her eyebrows, knowing he will not see it, but then: "Don't frown at me, sunshine, I just need to sleep." She nodded and walked to the bedroom. He surprisingly followed her, when she said: "Your couch is too small for two of us to be comfortable, and beside that, you are snowman. So good night, Beauty." He sighed and returned back to living room. As soon as looks possible, he fell to hard sleep. With some terrible thoughts in his tired mind. And these thoughts included these intense blue eyes, that haunted him from a start of this case. How simple that murder of Arthur Donnel looks. And then, these next murders... lot of destroyed lives. Lot of sorrow and pain... and for what?

Mystery lies in front of him and he was not able to found out... Maybe next morning will shine on his mind and he, maybe, will found out that. And helps Tanya to live a normal life again.

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