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Until the special bomb squad unit came to him, he called to his own flat to warn a social worker and girl. Young man was worried about them more, than about his life. After few seconds ticking of bomb accelerated and man started to pray. Funny, when I am atheist, he smiled and then mentally slapped himself. His life came to end and he just joking. "OK, did you saw a type of this bomb?" He heard a familiar voice and carefully turned his head. "Are you joking? I just saw this on my hood and freaked out." Man in special suit laughed, but then he said: "OK, calm down and very carefully move from your place. You got it? Our little toy will be here in while, so you must be quick. When I count to three, run! So 1...2...3!" Patrick quickly rushed away from a car. Then he heard squeaky sound and power of explosion blowed him up to air. About two miliseconds he fell unconscious. "Hey, you are OK? Come on, boy, wake up!" he heard only vague voice one of bomb squad unit man. "My head...burn." he mumbled to the grass. "That will be fine. Any broken bones? I do not want to strip you in front of them." Young woman smiled on his curious face. He didn't recognized her, but she was probably their coronary. "Well, I feel like I flew in the sky and landed on my face. And my head is burning, didn't you feel that smell? Like my hair." She laughed and helped him to rise up from grass. He stood up and tried to stayed in one place, but his head downed him back to ground. "Do you feel dizzy? OK guys, I will take care of him. And I am sorry, man,  your car was totally wrecked." Patrick's last concern was his car. He was happy, that he survived this. When she pushed him from place back to the apartment block, he saw a shadow in corner of his eye. "I am hallucinating, I just have to sleep." 

In flat they found a pair of totally scared people. Surprisingly, it was his neighbour, mrs. Gooch, and social worker. They hugging each other. "Where Tanya is? Is she OK?" Both women looked at him like on the ghost. "You are bleeding!" Mrs. Gooch pointing at his shirt. The man touched a wound with surprise. He didn't feel that. Coronary helped him to sat on the chair and started to fix it. He stripped his shirt and then something dropped from the wound. "What is that?" All women came nearby him and pointing on bloody item on the floor. "Is it a tooth?" Coronary panicked. "Was it a dirty bomb?" she asked about second of silence. He shook his head. I don't know. But I feel like I have been shot, so ask the expert." Mrs. Gooch looked at him in shock and asked: "Can I make some tea? You have any tea at home?" He smiled on her painfully, then nodded and carefully touched a still bleeding wound. Coronary slapped his hand with smile on her face: "No touch, kiddo, or you  bleeds to death." He looked at her with confusion. "Emily, I really hope you joking right now, because I have to do something before I die." She laughed. "What? Kiss a girl, or have a little talk with..." He stopped her speech with hand on her mouth. "No, I have to catch that son of bitch, who caused an inspector's death." They both silent for a long while, disturbed only by clacking in kitchen. "Well, it was easy to fix. Don't push up hard things for few days, so you can't move your ass from this chair." They laughed louder than they expected. "Here, a tea." Patrick looked up for a shaking old lady and wanted to help her, but Emily stopped him. "As I said, don't move!" Patrick looked around him and found that social worker was not here. "Where did she go?!" 

"You know her name, right?" Emily asked him, trying to calm him down. They looked for woman about two hours. But she was gone. And when Tanya woke up, she cannot remember her name. "I am not sure. I am so stupid. If something will happend to her..." He was disturbed by crying on the nearest fire escape. So Emily ran toward crying person and when she returned to flat, she was followed by missing woman. "Are you OK? What's happend?" She shook her head and then pointed on clear bandages on his chest. "Oh, you was scared by that? From blood? That's OK, don't feel stupid." Emily encouraged her. "Here, a tea for everyone." Mrs. Gooch intervened them with a question. It looks like good idea, so all sat down around the table and in gloomy silence drinked their beverages. After that no one want to spoke with each other, so they wished good night. Emily kissed a policeman to cheek and followed his neighbour of the apartment. "By the way, I am Samantha. And I have to go now, thank you and I am sorry for... you know. Come on, Tanya, leave a Patrick so he can take a nap." She shook his hand and looked at girl. "I love you, Patrick. I miss you." He kissed her forehead to goodbye and they both disappeared in hall. 

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