Twist in the story

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After a short sleep young chief detective returned to the office, which surprised almost everyone. But he was such a stubborn, so he signed a releasing paper. Someone told, that he is possessed with this case. Not only because Tanya. That seems to be much personal for him...

Cold case of Richard Paxley laid on top of the papers from current case. Something in that case didn't allow Patrick to sleep. He had a terrible headache, and his whole body cried from pain, but he tried to concentrate on reading. "Damn... you are there, really?" Lt.James Lombardi walked to office and looked at him surprisingly. "Yeah, I am not dead, if you thought that. Only little cold. But maybe you heard about it." James turned red. "No, I thought about your... ehm... passion for this!" He pointed to papers, spreaded even on the floor. Patrick frowned at him:  "Don't forget your place, lieutenant. This is not passion, just work. And if you have no news about your murdered boss, go back to work, that you will be pay for it." Lt. James Lombardi shook his head. "I remember these good days, when he was my boss. And my friend too." With these words he left an office. Patrick looked at the door. The lieutenant was right. Julian Chort was friendlier than him. He cared about his subordinates as a family members. Always. He slowly turned back to table and sighed. Something he had to miss. Something important, right here in these papers. Right here, in front of him. He stopped with reading of the last court statement from July and looked out the window. Darkness filled whole world with gloomy athmosphere. Even the lamps covered a street with blurry orange light. He made a yawn and returned to reading. There were some papers left in case file, but he cannot continue furthermore. So he laid on the couch in corner of his office, which belonged to Julian Chort before, and felt to sleep immediately after his head touched a pillow.

"You know what time is it, Beauty?" he heard a Emily's smooth voice somewhere above him. "Maybe a midnight." he mumbled with face on the pillow. "No. But I see you have so much work. Are you hungry?" He slowly sat down on the couch and carefully reached for the frostbite on arm. "They will disappear in while, don't worry." smiled on him and then offered him a sandwich. "No thanks, I am not really hungry. I will take some painkillers and will be good." She frowned at him. "You have to eat, Sleeping Beauty. You are soon after a coma, don't play with the fate." He sighed and took a sandwich with himself back to table. After a few bites he felt better. She smiled on him. "Do you need a help? I cannot back to my work, so have pretty much free time." Patrick looked at her suprisingly. "All freezers were damaged with some tools, and all bodies were transported to central hospital autopsy of st. Bartholomew. That means I am totally at your services now." He smiled a little. "And it means that "thing" too?" She turned red. "No, that doesn't mean that, actually." Patrick sighed and then said. "Be sure I am not this pervert, but I still can't forget smell of yours. And, to be serious, I need a help with reading. How good are you in this act?" She smirked at him with words of amusement: "Better than in the bed." They both laughed and she took some papers to couch. For a hour they were quietly reading, with some pauses because of toilet. No words are needed for a smile looks, anytime they looked up from papers.

"I'm so tired. Let's sleep." She yawned from the couch. Patrick shook his head. "Not tired. If you want to, feel as home and just sleep." Emily stood up from couch and sat down right on his lap and whispered: "I meant that kind of sleep." He looked at her with passionate smile. "Really? So I should go and lock this damn office." She laughed a little and stood up from him. "Let me do that, my lord." But it will stay only in the words. Before they started, someone knocked on the office door with great force. Patrick frowned and went to open door. "What?" he asked angrily, but then he stopped. Tanya Chort stood in door and shaked as a leaf in the wind. "Hey, kiddo, what's wrong?" She didn't answer his question, fell into his tough arms and pulled him to herself with a fear. "She...she is dead. And he is back." Patrick brought here to office and started to making her a tea. "Do you remember something? From day, when your dad... passed away?" She nodded her head hesitately. "I-I saw a man in our flat. He looks like daddy's friend. He smiled on me, when I went for the water." "You saw him in front of you?! And he didn't hurt you? Or, told you something?" Emily hugged her tightly and then girl said: "Truth will be discovered in the midnight of whole time and space. And..." " will die in this night, like a stray dog. And you will pay for your blindness. Your death will come with kindness." he completed her words. Both girls looked at him scared. How he knew that? "Emily, be that kind and took her to my apartment. I will be back as soon as possible." She nodded quietly and took little girl to her arms. When they leaving an office, she whispered: "You know, who is that man, right, Beauty?" "Words came later, now, leave me alone for a while." He kissed her forehead and turned to window. She closed his door and tried to not cry. Something twisted in the story of this case...

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