Face to face

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4th February, University of Michigan

Patrick waited for the dean of the university to talk with him about his student. University campus was a place full of life and young chief inspector felt almost ironically happily. "Ehm. Inspector?" He heard a cough behind him, so turned himself and saw really old man in red suit. "I am sorry. I didn't hear you come." The old man smiled on him. "Obviously you looked on the different things." Patrick turned red and said: "Actually, I am here to talk with you. Should we have more... ehm... privacy?" Man nodded and walked away. Patrick followed him surprisingly. Finally they arrived to main building of university, where dean had his office. After quick look around and greeting with the dean's secretary, they walked in. "Please, sit down there and Missy bring you a coffee." Patrick smiled a little and sat on pretty leather sofa in front of office table from oak wood. "Nice work, isn't it?" Dean smirked on his interested face. "Yeah, I think so and now, please, talk about Richard Paxley." Old man nodded and started: "Richard was quiet young man, it was my pleasure to meet him. But he changed last two years. He became angrier, unpredictable and after a little dialogue with his parents I considered he had some trouble. But his drug tests came clear as well. So we hadn't any idea, what's wrong with him. After lot of investigation we came to result, he had been possessed. And you maybe know something about that." Patrick looked at him surprisingly. "What?" Dean turned his head to the window and said: "Your eyes are full of fear. You are scared and you tried to hide that. And there is something yet, what I see. That possession of this case. How much time you spent to sleep? Hour? Or only half of hour? You are tired from this case. But you can't relax, until you close this case. So that's why I decided to help you." Patrick quieted from surprise and listen to the old man.

"Here, these are all his essays and this is first conspect of his damn project. Everything for his honesty and his damn sense of justice. He just wanted to make this world better place for him and his descendants. He knew an importance of his work and enviromental drop of this... He was one of my best students and... I cried for him lot of days. Please found his murderer." Patrick nodded his head. He can't tell him a truth about his suspicion, so he was quiet as well. "Here, took them with you and be sure he was a good boy. Well, until..." Patrick stood up from chair and shook their hands. "Goodbye. See you soon, if you have some questions." The chief inspector went down by stairs and nearly knocked out a young lady. "I am sorry. I didn't see you there." He apologized quickly. "I am fine, thank you. I am not looking, where I go too." She smiled on him. "Hey, can I know your name?" he asked her, before she left. "Yea, I am Diana. You work at case of my boyfriend." Patrick frozed to the place. "Wait, what's happend? Are you okay?" He shook his head. "Who are you, Diana?" She looked at him confusedly. "What you want to know? Let's go for a little walk..." She offered him and he agreed. So they left the main building and approaching a small park. "Here, sit down, you look you need to." He looked at her blankly and then sat down to the bench. "So, what do you want to know about me? Or about us? We were dating since first year here. He was my personal hero, courageous and intelligent, I fell in love with him. But then... he changed a lot. Not only for this damn project of ecological disaster, but whole time ago." He smiled on her, encouraging her to continue: "Well, as I said, he had changed. A year ago, after this damn car crash. He witnessed in this case and inspector Chort investigate that. It was about man named George Aspen. He crashed to the car of young man, I can't remember his name... Dragon or something like that." Patrick shook his head. "Drake. His name was Drake. He was my friend. And was murdered too. Few weeks ago... Just like your boy." She smiled on him sadly. "You love him, I see that." Patrick shook his head sharply. "No. No, I thought we were good friends. Nothing sexual..." She nodded and changed a topic: "Why are you here, asking me these questions? How can I help to caught his murderer?"

Patrick stood up from bench, he can't sit right know. Everything started to giving a sense to him. "I am sorry, I have to go! Thank you for your help and be safe." 

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