Last page of diary

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"My dear diary." he spoke to himself while he ran from the University of Michigan to his office. When he arrived, he slammed the doors after himself.  Then started to looking for the last page of judge statement from July. There was something strange about them. Like unfinished. Again he rummaged through the mess and finally found a page from another statement: "Judge, Alexander Briskin, have a right to free a car crash driver, George Aspen, from accusation. But he decide to  put him into jail for two months and his driving licence was detained to 8 months, because he was not drunk." He rolled his eyes. Justice in practice. Then he saw a name of the investigator. Julian Chort. And he got it. It had no connection to case with this factory. All this was about a car crash. Something happend to this boy. Something, that beaten him down. And maybe he had a feel about made a change. But then there was a question, why he started with that two years about his faked death? Because how differently he can murder these people. He did not believe in such stupid stories about ghosts that came for the revenge. So he thought about he somehow masked his death and started with murdering, because no one has been punished. "Gabe, I need some information about the car crash, two years ago. George Aspen, no. 123/88. And could you bring them here? Thanks. I will be there, waiting for you." He hang up phone and sighed. He found a murderer, but know he had to catch him to his own trap. So he pull the shade and sat to his chair. How will he made a way to him? He stalked him, so Patrick bet he tried to kill him there. In a midnight, as he said. He looked at the clock. It was six o'clock. So he had six hours to say goodbye. Who should he do? Cry in the corner of the room, have a really brutal sex with Emily, or just call to his mum? She could still be awake. He picked up the handset and called to house of the second hope. 

 "Hi. My name is Patrick Rourke. I want to speak with Eleanor Rourke. Is she awake?" After a second of quiet, he heard a shaky voice of his mum. "Hello dear. Why are you calling me?" Patrick suddenly did not know what to say. "I-I just want to say... I love you, mummy." On the other side of phone was a silence. "Patrick, what's happend? Are you okay? You didn't call me by Christmas." He wanted to explain her, but then someone walked to the dark room. "Mum? I had to go, love you." And he hang up the phone, turning to man with a component of car crash case. "I disturbed you?" Patrick shook his head. "Thanky, Gabe. I appreciate your services to this city. You are good policeman and it was pleasure to me, to be on your side." He shook his hand. "Well. It's little awkward, can I leave?" Both men laughed. "Yeah, ran from there. Have a nice day." After a man left the office, Patrick turned on lamp at the table and started to read, trying to find some more connection. And then he found it. Name list:

Augustus Prick, main judge of the case no. 123/88

Julian Chort, main investigator, 57 years old

George Aspen, main aspect of the indicment, 29 years old

Emily Donnel, coronary of Bashing's police department, 26 years old

Nedland Chort, executor of NTO, 57 years old

Arthur Donnel, witness of the incident, 40 years old

Julian Drake, stricken, 24 years old

Alice Drake, stricken, 9 months

Anna Drake Shore, stricken, 22 years old

Richard Paxley, witness of the incident, 15 years old.

Shivers went down by his spine as he read these names. All them were murdered, except the Nedland Chort. So this is why Richard had been changed. He saw a crash and he helped with escaping from the burning car. But as he read down the page, he found both- girl and baby- died on the way to the hospital. So George Aspen was responsible for a death of baby girl. And he was freed. Now Patrick understood, why Richard can not come back to his life. He saw a tragedy. He wanted to help. But he can not do anything... Patrick wiped his tears to sleeve and continued to read. But he not found a track to re-opening a case after their death. Judge closed this case as solved, because he did not know about the deaths. Or maybe he knew...

"Heya, what's wrong with you? You didn't answered my calls and... whoa!" Emily shook her head in look to the man's eyes. They were red and swollen, actually from not so much light in the office. Or was it from crying? "I'm good. Thank you, now please leave me alone. I have so much work to do." he whispered as he covered his face with hands. "Did you found him, right?" she asked, putting her hand to his tensed muscles on belly. "Yeah, or maybe he found me." he said finally. "How did you mean that?" she asked confusedly. "You remember a case of Richard Paxley. Young boy who was assassinated because he maybe saw something?" Emily remembered. It was her hardest job in whole career. When she had to did autopsy of the baby girl. "Why you asked me?" Patrick looked at her. "It's about you. His last message. I meant that was because of Tanya. Because she saw him. But now... I saw this!" He showed her the name list and she considered it. Next victim of blue-eyed deamon. "Who is that monster? And how he knew, where I will be?" He quietly looked at her, then pushed her to sit on his lap. "Emily, I need to tell you something, come closer..."

When she moved closer to him, he took her hand to his and he put his handcuffs on her. She looked at him surprised with his reaction. "What's happend? You want something rougher than usual?" He shook his head. "Emily Donnel, you are arrested for a multiple murders. Then for the rape and abusing the young student of chemistry, the next accusation will be for false witnesses from all cases, on whom you worked. Now, you have the right to remain silent and anything you say will be used against you. So I recommend you to shut up!" Emily looked at him blankly, clearly didn't understand, what's going on now. "I thought you know, who is that man.." Patrick Rourke sighed sadly. "Yeah, I know I failed totally with these two connected cases. But answer me this question. Why Richard Paxley had to die?" Expression on her face changed. She turned to quiet stone. "This answer can save you from life imprisonment... tell me... why? And how did you do that, when all tracks came to him?" She smiled on him with cold smirk. "I caught him after a car crash. He was so broken with the girls'death. So I decided to make him comfortable. You know what I mean... But he tried to convince me that he was a virgin, so I got what I need from him and leave him without calling. Then he was murdered and Julian Chort started to be suspicious about marks I leave on his body after uhm... act. Sooo..." she stopped talking and looked at him. "How did you do that? With phone calls, and blue eyes... tell me everything. You will have a lot of time in the jail..." She smiled on him and kissed his cheek. "NO. You will never found a truth."

To be continued...

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