Part 3: Good Dreams

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Brian's POV

The doctors let Sal go that night, but he's still a little loopy, and holy hell it's fucking hilarious! Normally, when Sal is high around me, I'm high with him so I'm not entirely aware of just how stupid he sounds. But tonight, as we're watching TV in his bed, he keeps making stupid observations and comments that make no fucking sense and I feel a painful stitch in my side from laughing so much.

"Babe!" he says.


"Did ya fuckin' hear me? Owl's are da bomb animals! I'll ask mom for one. Not for me, they're fucking filthy. You have it, okay?"

I chuckle. "Okay, Sallybabe. I got it. But I'm not sure how my cats will react. They might try to eat it."

"Cats don't eat birds, they battle them."

"Yeah but either way, that's not good. I don't want any animals to get hurt."

"They'll be fiiiiine."

"Whatever you say, my love." I peck him on the lips then return my attention to the TV.

"Bri, can we have sex?" That question makes every fiber in my body freeze.

"Not now, Sal. Not while you're high."

"But we haven't had sex since we had sex!" he whines at me. There's no way I'm going to fuck him right now, and there's absolutely no way I'm going to talk about it while he's so out of it.

"I know, but I'm really tired. Can't we just go to sleep?"

Thankfully he doesn't make a huge fuss of it. "Yeah, sure. Love ya, daddy-o." He rolls over and almost instantly the heavy sound of his breathing fills the space, especially since I had turned the TV off.

"I love you more," I whisper into the silence of the room. But his daddy-o comment had brought Faith's news back into my thoughts. Was I really about to become a father in just nine short months? I mean, I've always wanted kids, but I honestly didn't think that I would have one that's my own flesh and blood. Considering Sal and I can't have kids together since we're both dudes, I figured we'd just adopt, and even then I didn't think it would happen very soon at all. For all we know, we could decide to just be friends in a couple of years and both go about our own lives with someone else. Who knows?

Oh, who am I kidding? There's no way I could live like that. Now that I have Sal, I can't imagine not having him. I love the man sleeping peacefully next to me with every cell in my body. Everything about him; his paranoid, hilarious personality, his beautiful and sexy body, the way we just know each other so well in every way... we're honestly perfect for each other. It's like God - if there is anything like an almighty being - made the both of us specifically for each other and no one else. I love Sal so much, and I know I wouldn't be able to live without him. Not anymore.

Listening to his deep breathing is like a lullaby to me, and my thoughts begin to slow and become meaningless as I enter that weird state between sleep and wakefulness. Then the things I think about start to turn into wonderful dreams. At first I dream of simply staring at Sal's face in numerous places; our living rooms and bedrooms, parks, and the middle of absolutely nowhere just to name a few. No matter where we are, he remains the same gorgeous Sal - my gorgeous Sal. But then someone else joins us; a baby bundled up in my arms, and suddenly I find that I can't get enough of either of them. The face of the baby isn't clear so I can't tell if it's a boy or a girl, but I honestly don't care. I don't care because it's my baby. My child. One particular dream shows Sal smiling at the little angel before he gently runs his hand through the soft hair, and tears suddenly threaten to spill from my eyes. It seems so real that I forget I'm dreaming. I forget every bad thing that's ever happened to me because that's how much happiness I'm feeling at this very moment as Sal takes the white bundle from my arms and coos at it.

"I love you, Bri," he says while still looking at my baby.

"I love you more."

He looks at me and responds with, "I love you, but you need to wake up."


"Wake up Brian." I slowly start to do as he tells me; against my will, of course.

"I don't want to, I want to stay here with you, babe."

"Brian, I'm right here, wake up and you'll see." My eyes open to find that Sal is hovering just inches above my head; his warm smile beaming at me. "There ya go, babe. Sleep well?"

"Yeah, I had a really good dream."

"I could tell."

"What do you mean?"

"I can tell if you're dreaming, having a nightmare, or not dreaming at all. I've been able to for a long time." He settles back into the bed and cuddles up to my side; his face snuggling up to the crook of my neck as I wrap my arm around his bare body. We simultaneously let out a content sigh before he continues speaking. "If you're having a good dream you tend to breathe less and more slowly, and your mouth twitches. Sometimes you actually smile or laugh. But this time you cried a little. What was that about?"

The emotions from the dream are still lingering, and that coupled with the fact that he pays that much attention to me almost brings the tears back. "I was just so... happy. I was with you, and my... my kid. We were together, just being happy. And then you held him or her and just... It was so fucking beautiful. That's why I was tearing up."

I feel his head turn to look at me, so I look down at him. "That sounds wonderful. I want that. I want that with you and only you."

"Same here, my love. I want the same thing." Positioning himself above me, he looks deep into my eyes for a moment, and I look back; piercing green into deep brown. And when he lowers himself to kiss me, our hearts, minds, and souls become one. The kiss quickly becomes very passionate, and then it turns from a loving, chaste kiss to a lustful dirty one. Tongue and all. His fingers curl their way into my hair and pull slightly while my hands instinctively explore the hot flesh of his back. He breaks the kiss and moves to work on my neck, making me moan involuntarily. I feel him shiver against me and his erection is now poking me in the stomach.

"Brian," he whispers into my ear, "I need you. Now. I need to taste you, to feel your hot, soft walls around my hard cock, to feel you fill me completely... I need you."



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