Part 21: Intimacy

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Sal's POV

It felt fucking amazing to finally be really intimate with Brian again. And this time, I think he was also into it rather than just going through the motions.

We had to get our lunch to go and eat it on the way to set and we were still late, but it was all worth it to me. Joe and Murr kept giving us weird looks, like they knew what went down but I think they were happy for us. I know I was.

The bit that we were shooting was "can you help me find my wife," but Q decided to change it up and made it "can you help me find my husband" and it gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. Of course Joe had to make it weird and make Q say "he has a great set of tits" but it was fucking hilarious anyways.

When the shoot was finally over and we were walking to our cars Q came up to me and stopped me just as I was unlocking mine. "Sal, we still need to talk." And with that, my good mood was crushed. I should've known he wouldn't let the subject of Faith drop that easily.

"Q, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I honestly didn't know that it was that big of a deal. I know she's carrying your kid but she is her own person. She can do whatever she wants."

"I know Sal, but... please."

"Please what?" I asked, a bit irritated. "I don't know where she went, her phone is off, and I have no idea how to find her. I'm just as clueless as you. But maybe, just maybe, she needs some time to herself. Maybe she's not as helpless as you make her out to be!" I didn't mean for my words to sound so harsh, but goddamnit his obsession with her is infuriating!

He just stood there at a complete loss for words, so I opened my door and got in the car. Something was keeping me from slamming my door shut; Q's arm. He was holding the door open.

"Sal I didn't mean to -- please don't drive off. I don't want us to be like this."

"Well then maybe you should revert all the attention you give her to your fucking boyfriend." This time he lets me slam my door and I screech out of the parking lot.

Joe's POV

"BUT DID YOU SEE SAL'S FACE?!" I yelled through tears and laughter. Murray and I were still cracking up over today's shenanigans and would have continued to do so if Murr didn't suddenly stop me in my tracks; his facial expression the complete opposite of what it had been mere seconds before. Worry and concern.

"What's up with Q?" I looked out into the parking lot. It was easy to find his bright red jeep anywhere, but what I saw leaning up against it was definitely worthy of concern. Q had one hand continuously rubbing his eyes and his mind was clearly elsewhere because he jumped when we walked up and greeted him. His eyes were red and I wasn't entirely sure it was from rubbing them. "What's up man?" Murr asked him.

"Am I a horrible boyfriend?" Q blurts out. We both were stunned and didn't really know what to say. I knew he and Sal had been having some issues but I thought they made up today at lunch. Guess not. "Never mind, I already know the fuckin' answer," he says and turns slightly away.

"Bri, you're a great guy," I start, "and a wonderful boyfriend. I think that Sal is just a little..."

"He needs more attention. He won't admit it, but he's pretty clingy. That's just how he is," Murr finishes for me.

"I thought I gave him that attention," Q replies, his voice beginning to rise. "I try to give him everything."

Murr and I glance at each other; again, not knowing what to do or say. This situation was so fragile. Q clearly cares about Sal but he cares about Faith too. It might be in a different way, but that's not how Sal sees it. "Just give him some time, Q. He needs to get used to having her around," I say.

"But she's not fuckin' around!" Q bellows. "And he's had plenty of time!"

"C'mon Q, let's meet at your house and talk about this there," Murr says, trying to get away from any prying ears. A couple people had already stopped and started taking pictures of us from afar. We don't need the Jokers' image ruined.

"Fuck that! I'm going to Sal's. This isn't over." And with that, Q jumps into his car.

Sal's POV

I heard banging on my front door and immediately knew who it would be. However the volume was concerning. He's scary when he gets angry. But he wouldn't stop slamming his fist on the door, so I got up and opened it a crack only to have him push it open so hard I fell to the floor with an audible 'thump'. "What the fuck?!" I yell.

"Get me a beer," he demands on his way to the couch.

I stand up and close the door; rubbing my sore ass. Hoping that the alcohol will calm him down, I went and grabbed the entire unopened case that I had just bought on my way home. I was planning on drinking it all myself but y'know, shit happens. "Here," I say as I drop the case and a bottle opener down on the coffee table in front of him. He instantaneously snatches up a bottle and rips off the cap. The cap was discarded into the abyss behind him as he chugged on the cool liquid. Some dribbled down his chin and disappeared into his beard. Gross.

Two more beers disappeared as he sat and I stood watching him in silence. If he kept drinking like this I knew that it would hit him hard all at once, so I sat next to him and slid the other half of the case out of his reach. "What did you come over here for?" I asked him.

The bottom of a bottle came into contact with my table with a loud 'thud'. "I love you Sal. God, I fuckin' love the shit out of you."

"I love you too."

"No, I really fuckin' love you."

"I heard you the first time, Bri."

"Then why aren't we the same anymore?"

The question stumped me. He was right; it wasn't the same anymore. But I didn't know how to fix it. I looked into his deep brown eyes. Those eyes held so many stories; so many hardships. So many heartbreaks... They moved closer to me until I could see my reflection in them, and then they closed as his lips brushed mine. Slowly more pressure was applied to the kiss. His hand rested on my thigh. The other reached up to caress my cheek.

He whispered, "Love me Sal."

"I do love you," I whispered back.

"Don't ever leave me."

I deepened the kiss, ending the conversation. My tongue slipped out and he met me halfway. The warmth from his mouth seeped down my throat all the way to my hardening cock, which he was now gently massaging. God, I fucking missed this. The intimacy. The love. The tenderness. He was finally showing me all of that once again. But I knew it wouldn't last.

"Brian..." He kept kissing me. "Brian," I said, more forcefully this time, and he looked at me. "I-I..." My voice was cracking. "I love you but..." My eyes teared up.

"Sal?" He knew something was up. He probably knew what I was going to say before I even said it. I wasn't planning on doing this; not now, not later, not ever. But I just...

"I can't do this anymore."

His eyes darkened.


What's going to happen? What does Sal mean? How do you think Q will react?

Also, I started a book that I'll post info about this series on. Like when I'll update, why I haven't been updating, and other random shit. Please go follow it because I hate clogging up my actual stories with random crap. It's on my page, thanks!

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