Part 8: Gross

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*About 10 weeks pregnant*

Brian's POV

Sal called out sick from work today, which is really bad because we were going to film his secret punishment, but since he's kind of gone, we had to cancel and everyone (besides the editors and people like that, because there's still stuff for them to edit) got a day off. But it's also bad because, well, he's sick, and I really don't like the thought of him being sick.

Getting into my jeep but not starting it, I decide to text him to see if he's alright.

Me: Hey babe, you need anything from the store?

His response is almost instant.

Sal: I don't wanna get you sick, don't worry about me.

Me: I'll be there in an hour with food.

Sal: No! I'm all sick and gross, don't come I'm fine!

Me: Too late. Love you.

Yeah, there's no way I'm not going to do something. What kind of a boyfriend would I be if I didn't help him in his time of need? Heading over to the small grocery store near his house, I grab a variety of soups, crackers, sprite, vitamins, his favorite ice cream, and of course antibiotics and painkillers. I'm honestly not that good at this kind of thing, but this is always what my mother got me when I was sick, and it seemed to help me then. With any luck he's the same way. Getting back into my car I pop a couple of the vitamins to avoid catching whatever bug he has, and then drive to his house. He opens the door, and to be blunt, he looks terrible. Pale, clammy skin, everything. I physically feel my heart melt into a pool of sadness at the sight.

"Awe babe, go lie down and I'll make you some food," I instruct as I push my way into the house.

"Q!" he coughs out, revealing his sore throat. "I told you not to come over!"

"Just let me make you some food and give you antibiotics and I promise I'll be out of your hair. Okay?"

"No it's not okay." But nevertheless, he seems to realize that there's no getting rid of me until I've completed my mission. Either that or he doesn't have the energy to argue with me. Regardless, it enables me to do what I came to do.

Fifteen minutes later sees me getting him to sit up and putting the soup, crackers, and sprite on a tv tray in front of him. "Here, take these first," I say as I shake the necessary amount of pills and vitamins out of their containers. He takes them and begins to eat slowly. Not really wanting to leave just yet, I turn the tv on and flip through the channels, but there's really nothing on so I go to the DVR menu and find one of Jeff Dunham's stand up shows. The guy has always been an inspiration to me as a comedian, even though he's a ventriloquist rather than, well, a hidden camera show. That and he's so fucking hilarious, the four of us get stitches in our sides every time we watch him.

"So this is your way of staying regardless of what I ask?" Sal says in a small, weak voice.

"Well, I wouldn't say it that way, but sure." Not having any more fight left in him he simply finishes his food and then curls up on my lap; one of the many cute things he does.

A couple hours later I wake up in a similar position to my phone buzzing in my pocket. Blindly reaching for it, I accidentally poke something soft and really hot, and that something - which turned out to be Sal's face - jumps up and falls to the floor with a thud. "Oh my god, babe, are you okay?"

"Yeah - fuck, ow!" I help him back onto the couch and get some ice for his head before finally looking at my phone screen to see three missed calls from Faith. Upon calling her back she answers almost immediately.

"Hey Q."

"Hey Faith, what'sup?"

"I just lost my job." She says it so quickly I have to ask her to repeat herself. "I've missed so many days this year, what with everything that happened before, and now that I'm pregnant I've been super sick almost everyday." Her voice had remained calm, but now I can hear a hint of desperation and panic creep into it. "I don't know what I'm going to do, Bri. I haven't been able to make it to school but I still have loans that I need to pay off for it, and obviously I need a place to stay. I don't know what to do!"

"Shh, shhh it's okay, we'll figure it out. You're not going to lose your house. We'll try to file for unemployment, get you food stamps, anything you need, I'll make sure you get it. I'm not going to let you or our baby suffer, I promise." My words make Sal's head turn in confusion since he can only hear my side of the conversation, but I ignore him for the moment. "Will you be okay tonight? Do you need to come over and talk?"

"That would be nice... when?"

"I'll come get you in a bit." We say our goodbyes and hang up, then I turn to a red faced Sal, but I'm not sure if he's red because he's sick or upset about something. "Babe, you okay?"

"Faith?" is all he asks. I nod, and he sighs before speaking in his raspy voice. "I know she's carrying your kid and isn't feeling well, so I'm going to allow this. But I swear to fucking god, Brian, if I hear anything about you two-" he's cut off from me kissing him passionately, then quickly pulling away. "What the fuck?"

"You don't have to worry, my love. I'll call you later tonight and in the morning to check up on you. You're the best, you're my whole world, and I love you."


It sucks, I know, but I'm not really sure what to write atm. At least Sal is keeping his jealousy at bay, finally. Any and all ideas are welcomed.

Please vote, and PLEASE comment with plot lines and such. Thanks!  

Also, I just started a new book called "Unhinged". I don't really know where I want it to go; all I know is it sheds some light on some really dark things that people deal with everyday. It'll have drama, relationships, hardships, romance, all of that good stuff. I would appreciate it if you guys gave it a read! Thanks again!

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