Part 28: Dark

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Sal's POV

He didn't say anything. Nothing changed except his eyes, and that really scared me. But I knew I couldn't back out. It was killing me.

"What did you say?" he finally asked in a low, almost threatening voice.

A single tear dripped down my cheek. "I said... I can't do this anymore. We're done. I love you, I really do. But..."

"Is it the sex? Do you want to have more sex?! Is that what you fuckin' want?!?" He shouted.

"Yeah, but it's not just that-"

"Then I'll give you more goddamn sex!" For the second time today our pants were undone, but this time I was terrified. There was this glint in Q's eyes, and an almost possessive look on his face. I was genuinely afraid of the man I love, and it was the worst feeling in the world.

"Q, stop it!"

"NO! You need to stay with me!" And with that he plunged his dick all the way into my asshole, and I actually screamed from the pain. He hadn't been inside of me for a while and he didn't use lube, so it hurt like a fucking bitch. He started thrusting in and out at an impossible speed and that only prolonged and heightened the extreme agony, making me cry out more. "SHUT UP!" he bellowed. "You're mine, and you always will be!"

I screamed out the only sentence that had any hope of getting him to stop. "I FUCKED HER!" It accomplished it's goal. The pain lessened to a dull throb and I was able to feel something trickle down my legs. It was red. I looked back into his face, but I couldn't read it. Was he horrified? Perhaps just angry. I couldn't tell. "I brought her back to my house. She was upset at you, upset at herself, she had no one to turn to, and being pregnant made her super horny. And I was fucking horny because you couldn't ever fucking satisfy me!"

He got up and fixed himself. I got a glimpse of the look on his face as he turned and left. Betrayal.

Brian's POV

I left.

I didn't know where I was going, but I was going as fast as I could.

People were on the sidewalk but I didn't see them. There were shouts and car horns but I couldn't hear them. I couldn't breathe but I still plunged into the darkness of the night. The darkness of my mind. I could feel it physically pushing on me, compressing me until the only thing I felt throughout my being was pain. It forced me to keep going, and it kept me from seeing it...

And then... just more pain.

A pounding in my head deafened me. Dark red blotches blinded me. Pain coursed through my body as if it had become my blood, scorching me from the inside out. I couldn't think. I couldn't make any sense of anything. I knew nothing but pain and then just... black.

A little bit later that night

Murr's POV

"What the hell?" I wondered aloud.

"Must be a wreck up ahead," the cabby said in his thick Brooklyn accent. "Traffic's backed up, gonna take awhile to get you home."

I rolled the back window down, undid my seatbelt, and popped my head out. There was no way we were going to be moving anytime soon, so I wasn't worried about getting hurt. "Looks like a semi and two other cars - holy shit it looks really bad - wait... THAT'S BRIAN'S JEEP!" I quickly threw some cash at the driver and bolted down the highway, weaving in between cars and the ever-growing crowd of bystanders. I was never super religious but in those agonizing moments of just running I was praying so fucking hard that it was someone else's bright red jeep. That sounds horrible, and I would never wish anything this horrible on anyone, but at the same time I would do anything to keep Brian on this earth.

But it didn't look good. And the stories from the news reporters and other people that witnessed the crash didn't sound good either.

"He was going the wrong way!" "Must've been drunk." "Never seen anything like it! They just hit head on!" "And then the semi-" "I swear, he barrel rolled the length of a football field!"

Needless to say, I was panicking. I needed to know if Q was alright or I was gonna loose my shit. I got as close to his jeep as I possibly could - which was very far away from the semi and the mini van - but I was blocked by police blockades. I was, however, able to at least see the jeep. It was on it's side and so beat up. Totaled. There was no way in heaven or hell that anyone would be able to drive that ever again. A team of firemen (some of which used to actually work with Q when he was a fireman) were trying to use hydraulics to cut pieces of the frame off to get to the unconscious body. I say unconscious because I refuse to believe that he might be dead; if it is him.


It's a little short but I need to stop it here. Sorry for the cliffhanger! Actually I'm not that sorry. I'm evil and love leaving cliffhangers haha...

What do you think will happen? Are they okay? Is Brian even the one in the crash, or did he just collapse from sheer panic? Or think of something else, you guys are good at doing that lol.

If this part upsets you feel free to PM me and I'll do what I can to settle your nerves. The last thing I want is to drive someone to react horribly, but I also have to continue the story. TBH I didn't expect to do this, but then I thought of it and suddenly, the writers block was gone for two whole parts!

Please vote and comment and remember that darkness is only the absence of light. So be the light.

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