Part 9: Klarinette

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Brian's POV

My hand was poised to knock on her door, and then froze. Music was playing; a beautiful, haunting melody that came seeping through the rather large cracks in the door. As the tempo picked up slightly I found myself opening the creaky door to a square living room with a shabby, brown couch in the middle. Some strange looking cases litter the floor and the tiny coffee table, along with sheets and books of music. A tall bookcase - stuffed full of huge novels - a fireplace, and a small window with ripped curtains are the only things that takes up space on the otherwise bare, paint-peeling walls. The room is gray, kind of like the sky on a cold, cloudy day, and has a hollow atmosphere. An archway leads to another part of the house, but I'm not concerned with any of that. My focus is on the girl sitting on the couch (facing away from the front door). She's the one responsible for the gorgeous tune, judging from the fact that she has some sort of wind instrument in her hands and mouth.

Slowly she stands up and begins to walk around with her eyes closed; her feet stepping lightly with the music, somehow avoiding everything on the floor. When the music swells, she moves her whole body with it, and her face is always reflecting the sorrowful feel of the song. It's not a dance, but she visualizes what the music makes me feel.

And then there was silence.

The black instrument fell away from her lips and is now by her side, hanging from her grip, and she opens her eyes to stare out the dingy window. A little sunlight is shining through, illuminating parts of her face and casting a large shadow behind her. She has never looked so beautiful as she does right now.

A soft "Wow" escapes my mouth and she jumps, clearly not aware of my presence until that moment.

"Oh my gosh you scared me Q!" Faith yells and proceeds to attempt to catch her breath.

"Sorry! I thought you heard the door."

"I did but that door opens on it's own all the time when I don't bolt it. Holy hell..."

"Yeah," I look it up and down. "You need a new door, it looks like."

"No freaking durr, genius. I need a lot of new things, but does it look like I have the money for it?"

We need a change of subject, so I bring up the music. "That was really beautiful, by the way."

My praise makes her blush a deep velvet red and look down at her feet. A small "Thanks," is mumbled so quietly, I have to strain to hear it.

"That's a um... A cl...clarinet... riiiight?" She nods. "I haven't really listened to much clarinet, other than the occasional stupid Squidward at Joe's or my brother's house, but I'm pretty sure that if I had, that would be one of the more gorgeous songs. What's it called?"

At that she glances up at me before starting to clean the instrument and put it away. "It's from a movie called Beyond Silence. It's one of my favorite movies and the main character is a clarinetist."

"Oh, well that's cool. Do you have the movie?" I did come over here to cheer her up and help her, right?

"Yeah but I don't have a TV or a computer to watch a DVD on. And I really need to find a new job, and fast. Before I lose my shell of a house, preferably." With the instrument now stored safely in it's tattered case, she turns to me and seems to hug herself in an anxious sort of manner. An urge to go over and hug her builds in my stomach, but I know better than to let it take over. A simple embrace could ruin so much...

"Why don't we watch it at my house? And we can worry about finding you a job tomorrow, it's getting late, we're both tired, and you're stressed out so there's no sense in starting the hunt tonight." I turn towards the door slightly to emphasize my suggestion, and after a brief moment of hesitation, she complies and follows me out; grabbing a sweatshirt and keys on the way. The door is locked, and we're off.

*Later that night*

Faith fell asleep on my lap nearly half way through the movie, much like when Sal did so many months ago when our love was just beginning. The memory made me nostalgic but also a little guilty. What would Sal think if he saw us this way? Maybe he would be fine since we're not doing anything... Never mind, he'd be pretty upset. I need to get her to move... besides, I need to go to bed too.

"Hey," I gently shake her shoulder and her eyes flutter open. "The movie's almost over."

She sits up, stretches, and yawns, in turn causing me to yawn. "Sorry. I'll call a cab home."

"Orrrr you can just stay here. You can have my bed, I'll stay down here."

"What? But that's your bed, why would I take it when I'm perfectly capable of getting myself home?"

"Because I have a day off tomorrow so we'll start the day off with breakfast and then immediately transition into job hunting, so it's a waste of gas for me to take you home then pick you up again and you shouldn't spend your money on a cab right now." Am I really asking her to stay the night? Idiot! You're supposed to avoid this shit!

"Fiiiiiine," she groans. "But I have to take a shower if you don't mind." I get her a towel and show her where everything is.

"Sorry, I only have guy shampoos and shit."

She beams a smile at me and chuckles. "It's fine, I loooove Old Spice. Especially on men." Oh, so she likes how I smell?

I leave her to it and fetch some blankets and a pillow for myself. There's no way I'm going to make her sleep on the couch. Despite what others might think, I'm not an animal. But just as I was undressing and crawling under the comforter, I hear a very faint, distinct moan... coming from the bathroom. At first I don't think much of it, but it continues, and gets louder. Clearly Faith is being a little naughty with herself, and my cock is anxious to do the same.  


Please vote and comment! :D I know it's short but... yeah.

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