Part 12: What Say You?

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*17 weeks pregnant*

Brian's POV

Sal had asked me if we could do a podcast today, so that's where I'm going now, and this time we have a little surprise.

"Hello and welcome to the What Say You podcast, episode whatever-the-fuck-it-is, I'm here with Sal and our very special guest," I start us off.

"I think it's episode seventy somethin'," Sal states. "But it doesn't really matter, I feel like it's a much higher number than that."

"Eh, I've done so many more for TESD so... anyways, would you like to introduce yourself?" I say, turning to our guest.

"Uh sure, I'm Faith Redmond, a friend of Sal's and Brian's. Well, I guess your audience knows you better as Q, right?"

"It doesn't really matter. But for those of you that don't know, which I guess would be all of you since the episode hasn't aired yet, Faith just starred in an Impractical Jokers episode last week. I really hope that one airs in season 6."

They both say "Me too," then Sal continues with, "But there is one scene that they might not want to put out."

"You mean that scene?" I ask, referring to Sal and Faith's kissing. He nods. "I don't see why not, we've put stuff like that on TV before."

"Yeah but it was pretty, um... out there, it was a little too unprofessional."

"Haven't you guys like humped things before?" Faith questions and we answer with a yes. "Then there's no way they won't use that footage."

"Alright well here we are talking about something that the people can't even see for a few more months anyways so..." I decide to change the subject. "There's actually a specific reason why we're making this podcast with Faith here." Sal's dining room is immediately radiating with tension. This is a touchy topic, but one that definitely needs to be discussed where the public is involved. Slowly, I open the conversation. "As I'm sure many IJ fans already know, Faith is um... well some interesting things have happened concerning her."
"She's the mother of your kid," Sal blurts out.

"Sal!" I whine. I can't believe he would just say that!

"What? It's true! No need to beat around the bush."

"...Right, anyways... God, I hope you listeners understand how difficult this really is to talk about. Despite what some people may think, we didn't get pregnant on purpose."

Up till this point, Faith had remained fairly silent, but I'm glad she picks it up from there. "We didn't even agree to have sex... we were forced into it."

"So please guys, whoever keeps calling her a murderous slut, and saying that she raped me... please stop. She didn't do it willingly. She did it because the guy that was um... well he had a gun and..."

"He was threatening to kill both of us if we didn't listen to him."

"And aren't there people suggesting that you get an abortion?" Sal asks us and Faith answers.

"Yeah, there's a few reasons why I refuse to do that. For one I don't believe in abortions. I know this is a very public podcast so I won't say anything more other than that's my opinion and my belief so please don't tell me that I'm wrong for keeping a 'rape baby'." She uses air quotes for that horrible term that half of my fanbase has started using. "It's still a baby, and it's wrong to call it that, by the way."

"And to be perfectly honest, I really want this kid," I continue. "I've always wanted to be a father eventually, so..." We continue to talk about that for a couple more minutes, but Faith starts to look like she's going to have a meltdown so we start on the second topic that Sal and I wanted to tell everyone about. "So Sal, what say you, should we tell them about you and I?"

"I guess. There's a lot we haven't told our fans, simply because it's honestly no one's business, but we feel like we're lying if we keep hiding it from people."

"Might I just say, before you continue buddy, that if there's anyone that is revolted, or disgusted, or what have you, if there's anyone like that, you can go fuck yourself."

"Yeah, go fuck yourself. Alright, anyways, Q and I... well... we're kind of... dating each other." And there it is. The big reveal.

The reason that we're putting all of this out there now is because there was so many fucking people spreading so many horrible rumors; about me and Faith, about me and Sal, and even about Sal, Murr, or Joe and Faith. I knew that that day of filming, when that group of people surrounded us, that it was only the beginning, and I didn't want it to continue, or get worse. I didn't want my child to grow up with the title of 'rape child', because he doesn't deserve that. He doesn't deserve to be hated before he's even born.

The podcast isn't very long because these are really the only things we wanted to talk about, but hopefully enough people listen to it that the rumors at least slow down a little. After we're done recording Faith grabs her bag and heads for the door, but I stop her. Something about her seems off and I don't like it.

"Hey, you okay?"

She turns to me, looking slightly pale and pained. "Yeah, just tired."

"You look like you're about to be sick, are you sure you can drive?"

"I'll be fine, really, don't worry about me." But she doesn't look fine as she gets into her beat up hyundai and drives off. She doesn't look fine at all.

Later that night sees me and Sal on the couch. He's sitting and I'm laying on his lap. The TV is on but neither of us are really watching it; rather, we're actually on our phones, anxiously awaiting the onslaught of rumors and name calling that's bound to happen. We uploaded the podcast right after we recorded it, but it doesn't seem to have gotten very many views yet.

Finally, Sal sighs and drops his phone on the end table before rubbing his eyes. "I can't stand being this anxious. We need something to relax."

I look up at him. "I can go grab us a couple beers."

"Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks Bri." Standing up, I slip my phone in my pocket and fetch two cold beers from the fridge. I crack them open and sit back down, and we both take a long swig from our respective bottles; simultaneously sighing afterwards. "Mmm that hit the spot." I feel him shift his body weight so he can lean over and kiss my cheek, but instead of pulling back like I expected him to, he trailed a few wet kisses down to my neck and lingered there, making a little moan rumble in my chest. He shivers and says, "I love it when you do that."


What do you think? Will the fans be upset in any way, or will they be like you guys and love Q and Sal all the same?

Please vote and comment! :D  

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