Part 16: Can't Breathe

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Brian's POV

The weekend came around and as promised, we worked extra long in order to make up for the time Sal and I took off. However, about an hour before we planned on packing up, I got a text from Faith.

Faith: Hey, are you done working?

Me: Not quite. Why?

Faith: I have a question but I'll ask when you're done.

I sent her a text when we were done but she hadn't replied by the time I got home. I decide to call her, and she answers after quite a few rings.

"Hey..." Her voice was so raspy, I could barely hear her.

"Fuck, are you sick?"

"Yeah, I think I have-" But she's suddenly cut off by something that sounds like something dying, and I realize that it's her coughing. And holy hell is it a long coughing fit.

When she's finally done I ask her, "You okay?"

"No. I think I need to *cough* see a *cough, cough* doctor."

"Why haven't you gone already? This can't have just come on within a couple of hours, could it?"

"No, it didn't. But I can't move..."

"I'll be over as soon as possible to take you to the ER."

As I rush over to her place every scenario runs through my head; what if this is really bad? Could it hurt the baby? Could it hurt her? I really hope to god that it's just a simple cough or something. But she did say she can't move, so maybe it's a fever?

The door is unlocked so I let myself in. It doesn't take long to find the one bedroom in this tiny-ass house. However it does take me a few seconds to find her curled up under the massive mound of blankets on the rickety bed.

The smell alone nearly makes me vomit when I uncover her. She's pale. Like, really pale. Her hair is messy, her clothes haven't been changed, and when I feel her forehead I know that this is no laughing matter.

"Fucking shit, Faith, you're hot to the touch."

"No, I'm freezing," she gasps as her flimsy arms attempt to pull the blankets back up to her chin.

"No, this is bad. I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, I'm pretty sure this temperature is dangerous. I'm taking you to the hospital."

I gently pick her up bridal style, being ever so careful of her growing belly, and carry her out to my jeep. She doesn't exactly moan in pain, as she doesn't have much of a voice, but she is making pitiful gasping noises and I feel her shaking against me.

I get her situated and drive off. When we arrive and I rush her into the emergency room we're asked a bunch of questions; most of which I don't know the answer to.

"Have you ever experienced anything like this before?" The nurse asks.

"Yes," Faith croaks. "I've had acute bronchitis several times."

I'm instructed to sit in the waiting room as she could possibly be very contagious if she really does have bronchitis. The suspense is killing me. I've never had bronchitis, but some of my family has and it's a fucking bitch slap to the face. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, that's for sure.

Nearly ten minutes have passed and I've already exhausted myself from worrying, so I pull out my phone to text Sal, only to find that he's been texting me for the last hour asking if I want to come over tonight.

Me: Srry love, had to take Faith to the hospital.

Sal: Oh, I thought she wasn't scheduled again for a couple of weeks. Send me some pics of baby Q!

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